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:angry: WE found this in the sunday mail (QLD)24/11/02


Sunshine coast man charged with setting "MANTRAP"after fuzz find nail studded boards around MJ crop.The traps were square boards with approx 50 nails in each,they also found mj,amphets and guns one was a loaded 9mm pistol.


We do not condone these practises and would like to know how every one else feels about this???????

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Marijuana growing used to be a peaceful cottage industry, but now because of the high financial returns this sort of thuggery seems to be on the increase.


If the "mantraps" and loaded 9mm are related to hurting the general public, the fuzz can throw the book at them and personally i hope its a fuken big book.



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excercising your natural right to smoke herb is one thing, but putting others lives at danger to try and make money from an illegal activity is something else.


I remember a story a few years back where a cop got shot in the back from a shotgun rigged to a trip wire in a MJ crop. It really is disgusting that stoners would want someone dead rather than lose their crop.

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I remember a story a few years back where a cop got shot in the back from a shotgun rigged to a trip wire in a MJ crop. It really is disgusting that stoners would want someone dead rather than lose their crop.


There was one down here in Tassie about 5 or so years back, the cops opened the gate on some remote place and it was wired to a shotgun, got one of them in the back (serious but not fatal). The guy only had a small crop so instead of a slap on the wrist for a few plants he got a holiday in prison. I think the cops were there about something else too.



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The human race is getting worse especially among the younger males trying to impress their mates.

In my days all you had to do was punch a chisel through your muffler and you were king. (hey look at me in my hot FJ ).....now your nobody unless you've assaulted and injured some poor innocent barstard while your mates stand around supposedly being impressed.


I've done a stint in the bay many years ago and the inmates were gentlemen compared to a lot of the out of control youth wandering the streets at night


With the "do-gooder civil rights cretons having taken away the rights of parents to bring up their kids the way they should be, and the school teachers, LEO, and those others working with their hands tied, is it any wonder we find people like the ones in this topic with disregard for other human beings welfare.


Things can only get worse in the next 20 years or so, but hopefully I wont be around by then.

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Guest Urbanhog
I remember a story a few years back where a cop got shot in the back from a shotgun rigged to a trip wire in a MJ crop. It really is disgusting that stoners would want someone dead rather than lose their crop.


There was one down here in Tassie about 5 or so years back, the cops opened the gate on some remote place and it was wired to a shotgun, got one of them in the back (serious but not fatal). The guy only had a small crop so instead of a slap on the wrist for a few plants he got a holiday in prison. I think the cops were there about something else too.



That Tassie copper still has the lead pellets in his back to this date.......



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