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The Quest for a Speed Controller that does NOT make the Fan HUM/BUZZ

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Hyperfans are without a doubt the best fans on the market and come with speed controllers... They also have them with silencers inbuilt and both with or without can be run with carbon filters and/or as intake. You will not find a better fan imo regardless of the fact that some of our sponsors supply them such as Growhard Australia and Way To Grow. :good: ;)

Yeah man.. I was looking at these quite seriously... have chatted with someones else on here and was looking at the more traditional type centri fans but these look the goods...





theres my bluaberg fan with filter

150mm baby

has fan speed controller built in and a temp gauge

best of all worlds


sweet set up man...


these blauberg are axials though correct?



I have heard that they wont perform under pressue the same way a cetnrifugal fan will..


any thoughts with that.... getting odour control right is my biggest issue so looking to get it right as possible first time

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theres my bluaberg fan with filter

150mm baby

has fan speed controller built in and a temp gauge

best of all worlds


What size filter and CFM rating is it...also cant find any CFM ratings on their webiste for the fan..


looking at ventilating a 1.2 x 1.2 x 2 M room and cant find any definitive data and what would be appropriate

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bb turbo 150 undecided on filter. moren likely mountainair 6" 600 mm long



rated at 156 l/s which  is 330 cfm  (full speed) according to some convertor tool online


and only draws 50 watts for its efforts


thanks ... I have always learned CFM and coulnd never find a litres per minute... all the american webiste with tents in feet use CFM so could never find what I needed for l/s for m3

i got 150mm freah filter

running the blauberg turbo mixed flow

dosent seem to have any issues

competes against my 150mm can fan centri



do you think the 200mm BB fan would work with fresh 8"x 39"950 CFM... or the 8" x 24"750 cfm... trying to work out resistance on the fan when the filter is added.... have read some say it drops by 50%...


will be running a 1.2 x 1.2 x 2 but want to kill that smell as mush as possible..

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