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The Quest for a Speed Controller that does NOT make the Fan HUM/BUZZ

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Yep i'm soon onna be upgrading my Fan to one of the new Canfans with in built controller.


I am running a 125mm canfan atm but I will upgrade to a 250mm which is overkill, so I can turn it down to Low and have it still move enough air.

got a link to these fans mate

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I run a canfan RS100 with the cheapie growlush dial controller with no issues. I crank the fan fullbore and gradually turn down the speed untill the air noise is reduced and the humming is minimal. As wayno said no go below 30 percent and I find around 50 theres no audible hum if there is I can't hear it over the air/fan/duct noise. Perhaps build a 'dead' box for your fan controller as well
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I run a canfan RS100 with the cheapie growlush dial controller with no issues. I crank the fan fullbore and gradually turn down the speed untill the air noise is reduced and the humming is minimal. As wayno said no go below 30 percent and I find around 50 theres no audible hum if there is I can't hear it over the air/fan/duct noise. Perhaps build a 'dead' box for your fan controller as well


Hiya, sounds like the Canfans are better then the Westaflex for hum noise...wonder why? Built a 'dead box', it helped but not considerably...still lots of wind noise which I wanted to reduce.

Spoke to a sparky and this is what he sent me as to why mine is slooow:


The 2 and 3.5 mfd may to small a value for what you want. Try hooking the red and white together. That will all up to 5.5 mfd.... see if that is a better low or medium speed.

Some fans can be a lot more sensitive to capacitor and voltage variations than ceiling fans. All I can tell you is to try larger values... 5, 7.5, 10 mfd. I can not calculate what you need.

I would also try to find higher voltage rated capacitors than 300 VAC on a 240 VAC circuit. (like maybe 450 to 600 VAC)

Edited by Earthling
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Well me sparky was on the ball. I wired up two different switches so that the medium and lows were joined into one.

One switch gives me around 50% power (2.5+1.5=4mfd) and the second around 75% power (2+3.5=5.5mfd). No hum/buzz.

I rung around but no electrical wholesalers sell anything up in that mfd range...disappointing.

Soooooo, I will have to have a switch that goes to each of the two switches and a straight through for full...switches in switches...surprised some mob hasn't created one of these switches for this market. Anyone interested?

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theyre built to draw through a cf. theyre can fans ffs.


ive had recommended to me, and will be purchasing myself, a blauberg turbo fan.


they come in 100 mm to i think 300 mm, have a built in fan speed controller, and have been recommended to me as one of the best bang for your buck options out there. with a 5 year warranty, how the fk can you go wrong?

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theyre built to draw through a cf. theyre can fans ffs.


ive had recommended to me, and will be purchasing myself, a blauberg turbo fan.


they come in 100 mm to i think 300 mm, have a built in fan speed controller, and have been recommended to me as one of the best bang for your buck options out there. with a 5 year warranty, how the fk can you go wrong?

is it this style or model..





got a link or pic mate?



would be interested too

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  • Admin

Hyperfans are without a doubt the best fans on the market and come with speed controllers... They also have them with silencers inbuilt and both with or without can be run with carbon filters and/or as intake. You will not find a better fan imo regardless of the fact that some of our sponsors supply them such as Growhard Australia and Way To Grow. :good: ;)

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