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Dead Leaves.

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Yeah, if they're just older, undercanopy leaves you can remove them or let them abscise themselves, and once they droop they come right off.


Make sure you don't cut below the abscission point (where the leaves are dropped naturally by the plants, it's kinda a fine layer at the base of the petiole where it joins the stem) if you're using scissors to remove leaves. If you must use scissors, make sure they're clean, and don't use the same scissors on two different plants without cleaning them first.


But as LoveMeBucket said, 50% damaged from leaf burn or insect attack is about the point where I start to remove seriously damaged leaves, and you can trim back the damaged parts too if you like. But if you've got an overfertilisation problem, and you just keep trimming the tips off, it won't fix it, cos the tips where you cut them will soon be just as overloaded and burnt. So yeah, when removing leaves, make sure you know for what reason you're doing it.


Hope that helps. Good luck with the plants mate. :D

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