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Was just flicking through the excellent reading on the Vasatron and came across the pic of the "truncheon".

Being fairly new to the site I was wondering if a more experienced member could help me out with "what the..?"

I've never heard of such a thing. :D

Bazza 7

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Yeah, give or take. Maybe up to 140 at some places.


Truncheons also come with a three year warranty, should the unthinkable happen, (which I'm the only person I know of it's actually happened to, and it was my fault) and the thing should break, (it doesn't need calibrating btw) then you can use your fandangled 3 year warranty and eeeeexcellent customer service at the home company to get it fixed quicksmart.


I had a problem, as I said just then, and within two weeks or so it was there, worked out what was wrong, and then sent me a new one. According to them, it was damaged cos there was nutrient in the battery casing. I don't know how it got in there, but as it was in a box with nutrients, I can only assume it was an accidental splash I never saw. But regardless of this, they sent me a new unit, and I've never had a problem since.


I love truncheons. Every grower, hydro or soil, (well, it's not very useful for totally organic, and therefore non-salt form nutrients, but it could certainly help if you use chem ferts for soil plants) should consider one, as they are invaluable tools. :D

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