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Has Any Used The New Led Lighting System?

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Very exciting....ONe hopes it will drop in price pretty quickly and be incorporated into new homes...but alas if they wont build homes with verandahs in Australia then they arent going to introduce efficient lighting like this...


Might have to do some more reseach on this


16 hour days tho....they grow plants with a 16 hour day?..does anyone else do this? Wheres my 18/6 gone

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I also spoke to guy running the company on thursday 27/5/04.

My currency converter converted their price for an 8 head unit into $5500

Australian dollars ($3976 US) and yet we have no real way of knowing how good or bad they are because our market is not using it yet. I did contact a local lighting manufacturer who specialise in laser, LED, and fibre optic lighting. I ask if I gave them them light specifications could they duplicate the light spectrum for plant growth and flowering. He told me to get the specs to him and he will see what they can do. Where do I start?

There is a light spectrum for M/H one for HPS and now this new LED system we are all talking about is different again. Who knows if I can get the spectrum right we could have a cheap LED system right at our door.

If we can get it right I will post yours to you, but where do we start? Any light spectrum experts out there?

Also see www.nutrilifeproducts.com/whats_new.htm

They have a 9 head fibre optic HID lighting system- heat free- 150watt

power draw to obtain some light intensity of 1000 watt regular HID.

Give us some help PLEASE !!!

Bable, your 2 head system works out at $1400 AU dollars add freight and insurance and your looking at $2000.

We need to pool our brains, resources and dollars into doing something

local. Maybe there is an electronics forum online with some whiz kid just waiting to build a project like the one we are trying to get?

Edited by aussie1
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I have also E-Mailed them and I think you miss understood the there spec sheet the two head is equal to 1.2 600watt HIDs and he eight head is almost 4 1000watt hids, how many are running 1K's, let alone 4 of them? I never mentioned it here, but I design custom electronics, if you could get the spectrum range? LEDS are designed to produce light at about a 10nm spread, there not like a light bulb, and they don't cover all ranges. There are some ranges where there are no LEDs made. I felt the same thing as Aussie, can I make it myself. I looked into it. There are good LEDs and there are crap, the shit cost about $0.30 apiece to $0.50 apiece and then there are the go ones, not the ones used in key chains, flashlights, and consumer electronics, they range from $1.50 to $34.00 apiece and during a E-mail he mentioned that a prototype had 200+ per head and the new ones have more. So that 250 per head, even at $2 that’s $500 per head not including power supply and regulator, a regulated power supply is $200 $300, so far that is $1300 for a hand full of parts. Let say you get it together, fire it up, and get the leds 1/100 of a watt more than they were designed to handle, they burn out! A led is not a light bulb it’s a diode, a semiconductor. I don’t know about Oz but where I live it’s a $20,000 dollar fine and that’s after you get out JAIL for hot-wiring a meter. I might pay $2,000 now for a two head and a solar system now but a 1000watt HID would cost me over $650 a year to run, and that was after paying $400 for a nice system, you do the math $400 + $650 = $1050, and I can’t run it on solar so every year it $650 again (no heat). Any way I think Aussie missed the mark on the comparison, If they were $5,500 for a 1000watt hid replacement, I would have designed and built one for less my self, but they aren’t, he gave me a price of $875 for a two head, and a one year guarantee and I love that pest mode. A haven’t seen that on a HID! :D
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Talk about miss the mark, the $5500 price tag is for the 8 head system which is equal to 3.6 x 1000 watt light i.e 3600 watts, not 1000 as you quoted. Where I am from most people use multiple 600's or 1000's as only using 1x 600 watt wouldn't really be a heat issue, so you wouldn't need the US unit in the first place.The 2 head unit will give out 1.2 of a 600 watt = 720 watts. Not much heat anyway.

As ferengi 420 has told us, he has been in contact with hydrocentre.com.au, which is my local hydro shop. I have spoken to Scott and Natasha and they have a lighting man who also has an interest in plants so as far as getting something local goes, it is in the pipeline.

After speaking to Natasha, her lighting man said the price for the US units were totally outrageous, hence their interest in developing one here.

I don't understand your comments on the spectrum I mentioned, I am only repeating what a local manufacturer of LED's and fibre optic units told me, and that was if I give him the specs of the lights we are using now he will see what he can do. He is the EXPERT he must know what he is talking about. They did the lighting for the casino, the convention centre, various councils, and other big business, so he must know.

If, as you say,some of the spectrum is not available in LED, then how do you expect the unit from the US to work? If some of the parts are $34 each and there are over 200 of them how can they sell it for $895? They must beusing the 30cent parts you mentioned.

And if you are using a completely heatless unit you will then have to pay for the heating costs when temps drop as plant needs 26-28 degrees celsius to thrive. The heat from a 600 watt HID will probably do the job.

I live in sub tropical climate and temps went to 11 degrees C last night and 4 degrees C night before.

Edited by aussie1
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