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Male / Female seeds

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Howdy Folks, I was drifting off to sleep the other night, comfortably numb, Started thinking about sexuality of our beloved plant. I have always, until recently used bag seed and grown outdoors, i have always done as i'm sure others would and pick the Biggest and healthiest looking seeds for next year and end up with at least 50% males, usually more like 55- 60%.

Recently after buying some feminized seeds from Bonza and noticing that they are all quite small, and thinking about the ones that i made a couple of years ago using the Colloidal silver method which were also quite small seeds i have come to the conclusion that mother nature makes the males big and strong like in many other species to keep the lineage strong and healthy.

I am fairly convinced now that the large healthy seeds that you would assume are going to be robust healthy females are all males and the small seeds are the fems...

Any thoughts?



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Seed size is determined mostly by the lady being seeded but the pollen source always plays role too.  Realistically though some ladies consistently produce small seeds, some large, some spit them out in ratios like 1:2:1 for small:normal:large, etc. regardless of the pollen source, their calyx size, when they were pollinated, etc.  In short nature cares not and you can't know anything until you plant the seed lol

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As Frank says, seed size has more to do with genetics, both in strains and parent selection. There are even chances that the seed can throw back to ancestral traits within the genetics of the parents. Nearly all the strains sold today have been bred through careful genetic control of characteristics and stabilised to give the desired result. Even then there can be small genetic variations.


There is no way to establish plant sexuality of normal seed by seed size or any other method, like K9 said, plant it and see. I've found over the years, seed size means naught, had big plants from small seed and the reverse.

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