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Diabetes - and Cannabis, my experience



A few short months ago I decided to start growing MJ for my personal health needs.. You see i have a brain tumour, it is slow growing but causes occasional seizures. I also have some anxiety issues and insomnia. In short i was not good. I planted white widow, a k47 , lowryder. Since I harvested and started medicating, my life has totally turned around. First thing I noticed was that i slept a full night for the first time in years. My anxiety was significantly reduced and I just felt healthier.


But the big shock was to come...you see as a hyperglycaemic  type 2 diabetic who has been taking 80 units of insulin a day, I swear that I have only got my blood sugar levels to regular range readings maybe twice in my life. I used to vacilate between readings of 13 and 30. Well I read my bloods 5 times a day and have just completed three weeks in the normal range (4 to 9 ) with only two small forays into the low teens. Lets put this in context I have been treated by doctors for this for decades and in three weeks i feel amazing.


Some of the things that I did not expect


         I did not get munchies I have realised that I eat emotionally i.e. when i am stressed...well now i am no longer stressed. so surprisingly I am losing weight which has helped my sleep apnoea.


        Of the varieties I found them all helpful, but the white widow (ex Bonza) is my favourite. Cannabis has so far significantly improved my prognosis and if it can help me to keep my diabetes in check, it may well add as much as a decade to my life... 


I will post some more when i start to get lab results back.

Cheers all



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There is heaps of evidence of medical benefits and the reason for myself for using the plant and growing white widow as diabetes runs in my family. Make sure you let your plants tricomes get half amber. Cannabis is going to be big business globally just politics stopping progress.





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There is heaps of evidence of medical benefits and the reason for myself for using the plant and growing white widow as diabetes runs in my family. Make sure you let your plants tricomes get half amber. Cannabis is going to be big business globally just politics stopping progress.





Thank you for the heads up on the tricomes and the links...I appreciate you taking the time.


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Hi all

My wife is type 2 diabetic and cannabis has stopped the high readings above 10 but now she has great problems keeping her blood sugars above the 4-6 range and she has to constantly eat. When her blood sugars are either higher or lower than 6 she has headaches. Can anyone help. Do we need to knock back the amount of cannabis she is exposed to and what would be a maintenance dose ?

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Hi all

My wife is type 2 diabetic and cannabis has stopped the high readings above 10 but now she has great problems keeping her blood sugars above the 4-6 range and she has to constantly eat. When her blood sugars are either higher or lower than 6 she has headaches. Can anyone help. Do we need to knock back the amount of cannabis she is exposed to and what would be a maintenance dose ?

I hear that the ketogenic diet is good for diabetes but I'm an anonymous internet person pretending to be a statue so you should probably seek the help of a medical professional instead of listening to me.

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Good to hear distiller.


My best mate passed away from complications from type 2 diabetes, he didn't want to believe he had it and dident look after him self.


Maybe if he knew this info when he was still alive he would gave med canna ago and maybe would still be with us, he passed 7 years ago...

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Thanks guys for your comments. I am just trying to save my best friend. Cannabis seems to have completely stopped the high readings she used to get but now we are battling with low readings no matter what she eats. I have done some more research and her symptoms exactly match Hypoglycemia which can be affected by a number of variables.

The doctors have been bloody useless and we are not game to admit how her high blood sugar readings were fixed.

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