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lighting for seedlings

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Fair enough, as I said I'm only experienced with outdoor grows when this naturally occurs between 4-8 weeks, that's what I'm referring to. Will be growing from feminized seeds and won't be flowering indoors so this is a bit irrelevant too. So yeah, sorta straying off topic now...



Just a bit of an experiment I guess to see the growth comparisons, last year the start of the grow season was quite slow for me because of cool temperatures and mostly cloudy days



thnx, I'm reading about the 12-1 now and I'll check out the ufo's

Edited by greentoe
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Hiya stoners :peace:

Won't they just re-veg?  You want them for flowering next year?  I mean, then they show their bits and begin to flower.  couldn't you leave them to re-veg when the night hours diminish a little later, or would it be too long an 'initial flowering' for them to re-veg to much use?  I have a couple of back-up seedlings that will be put outside if we have too many girls for the cupboard and I was thinking I could flower them up...and re-veg-I don't think they would finish before the night hours get below 12.  interesting post thanks for the topic;

Peace and good gardening

faith :sun:

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