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Light advice for noob

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G'day guys! Im a long time lurker of your awesome community, and have decided its time to get involved.

Im about to start my first grow and have acquired an old fridge which is 1.8m high with a width and depth of about .8m, so its pretty roomy. I plan to grown 1 plant just for personal use and a couple of mates and have got the vents/filter sussed, just bought a kit off ebay. However the lights im unsure of. For a space like mine would buying one of these 2700k/6400k cfl kits with the reflector be ok? And also when buying off ebay are therw any particular brands/shops i should be avoiding?

Cheers guys!

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Im guessing my question was too noobish? =P


I ended up buying a 130 watt CFL with a reflector, and have managed to get my hands on four 120 watt 5000k CFLs used for photography and plan to use these aswell. My grow space is 3'x2', and the total lumens will be around 25000. Is that overkill for such a small space? Or is it a case of the more light the better?

Tomorrow i'll be starting my grow diary, so would appreciate any feedback, cheers guys!

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Hey Zed,


Nah mate all good, noob questions are awesome.


So that's 550w in a fridge, it is a lot, I think heat could be an issue for you but give it a go. The worst you would have to do is take some out. I am quite interested to see how it goes, I have a fridge and was tossing up between cfl's and hps. Ended up going with a 250w hps, but will most likely put an 80w cfl in there too at some stage. There is a cfl grow from start to finish on here somewhere.


 how is it set up?


Do you have any pics?


Good luck with it!

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heya mate if you head over the the canaversity area there is a grow room calculator.


ive taken the liberties of doing it for you :D


Your room is 6.9 squarefeet, please review the three levels of recomendation below suited to your grow room


Minimum Lighting 25 watts Per Square Foot

The minimum recommended lighting for your area is 172.5 watts
The minimum flow rating of your fan should be 33.9 Cubic Feet per Minute (CFM
Power Requirements 
This setup will require 0.9 amps to be available at all times for safest operation* 

Optimum Lighting 40 watts Per Square Foot

The optimum reccomended lighting for your area is 276 watts
For optimum ventilation the flow rating of your fan should be around 37.3 Cubic Feet per Minute
Power Requirements 
This setup will require 1.5 amps to be available at all times for safest operation*

Maximum Lighting 60 watts Per Square Foot

The maximum reccomended lighting for your area is 414 watts
Going this way you will require a fan with a flow rating of at least 44.1 Cubic Feet per Minute
Power Requirements 
This setup will require 2.2 amps to be available at all times for safest operation*
Additional Comments 
Getting to these points and or over it is highly reccomended the grower use Co2 in their room as your plants will only be able to photosythesise a certain amount of light before needing a Co2 boost to benifit



So if you want to go HPS a 250w or CFL probably use 2x of them -  should be fine if you follow the optimum suggestions.

if you go for larger lights in a small area you better have EXCELLENT ventilation / heat control - even my small 80w puts out enough heat to warm that cupboard up to 50+ degrees with no ventilation.



This is my current grow in process only using a 80w CFL for Vegging and Flowering in a slightly smaller space (0.4 x 0.4 x 1.6) single cupboard, the optimum light for that is only 68w so my 80w is plenty.



Edited by The Stoned Jester
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