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Textbook banana

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I would love to see some more pictures... :)


It's a bud structure we don't see so often these days.


Anything for you, Lou!


In her full glory (sorry, phone cam quality):










Flowering clones babies: (I moved the plants from CFL to MH keeping the 18/6 schedule but the change in light quality promoted flowering in the Nyc, however the Lav continued to veg as intended. Theses clones were taken 2 week after the move, soon as they rooted the Nyc's resumed flowering while the Lav's resumed vegging. :doh:)




Anyways, I'm keeping a close eye on her, no new nanas spotted, she's 9 weeks today. I probably will end up hashing her...  it should at least smell beautiful. :)

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Anything for you, Lou!

Aww thanks :)


Personally, I think you have a very special plant there.


Yes, it will never have a really heavy yield in comparison to a phenotype that expresses more of the indica traits of the strain... but it's exactly because it doesn't express the indica traits that I think it's special... and has the capacity to surprise you if you let it finish flowering naturally.


This is what cannabis looked like when I first started smoking and growing outdoors... I know you said you weren't impressed by samples, but I'd say that's because the plant has a lot longer to go and resin matures very slowly.


I'd be interested to know what the resin looks like... is there any colour change? Or is the resin still crystal clear?


The plants I would associate with this sort of structure don't generally show much progression of colour (clear>cloudy>amber) in the resin while they are alive. This is a process that occurs during drying and curing. Smoking them early or smoking them without curing was as I remember disappointing, but after a month or so of curing they were very nice indeed and six months later, they were smashing.


I do now understand why you considered it hard to work with... we used grow these sort of plants outside as large trees... and hung the to dry whole or maybe chopped in half, depending on size, in an airy farm shed. There wasn't usually much leaf of the branches and we would just strip the buds off the stems after about a month of slow drying.


I can imagine it's not pleasant to try and trim it wet.


Thanks again for the extra pics. :D


it looks about how i expected nibb's dr grinspoon to turn out if he stuck around.


must be the mexican sativa in the cross, im interested to see how it smokes

I expect Nibb's Grinspoon would had looked similar... though I think the Hawaiian might be being expressed rather than Mexican, although it's more likely the contribution of both that had suppressed the Afghani traits.

Edited by louise
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Lone nanna? You're in luck

How many weeks were you planning?

Here is what I do. I don't go by weeks I let the plant tell me.

Those little white hairs that turn brown. I let them die and disappear. The bud swells from inside and becomes more dense. Those white hairs return and the process is repeated. I allow my plants to go through this cycle 3 times, which usually takes 12-13 weeks. Then I check the trichomes colour, I smoke medically and I need a heavy stone and want the trichomes brown like burnt sugar. Once at that point I start my flush. If I start my final flush before I get the right colour it slows the process right down to the point it almost seems to stop.

The resulting smoke from this 3 browning method is exquisite.

This was told to me by an oldtimer, I thought 'yea great, you pay the extra powerbill' I also thought he had had a bit much to smoke lol But I was wrong. Very wrong.

I will NEVER flush before 12wk and never pull before 13wk again. It is well worth the wait.



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Lone nanna? You're in luck

How many weeks were you planning?

Here is what I do. I don't go by weeks I let the plant tell me.

Those little white hairs that turn brown. I let them die and disappear. The bud swells from inside and becomes more dense. Those white hairs return and the process is repeated. I allow my plants to go through this cycle 3 times, which usually takes 12-13 weeks. Then I check the trichomes colour, I smoke medically and I need a heavy stone and want the trichomes brown like burnt sugar. Once at that point I start my flush. If I start my final flush before I get the right colour it slows the process right down to the point it almost seems to stop.

The resulting smoke from this 3 browning method is exquisite.

This was told to me by an oldtimer, I thought 'yea great, you pay the extra powerbill' I also thought he had had a bit much to smoke lol But I was wrong. Very wrong.

I will NEVER flush before 12wk and never pull before 13wk again. It is well worth the wait.




Wow, interesting method, I would of never thought of trying that, so you like full on CBDs? Good for pain or just puts you to sleep? I personally am more of a recreational smoker myself, so I am after that clear high.


In the past I've been worried about letting my plants become over-ripe mostly for fear of letting the THC degrade but also because less stable strains are inclined to self pollinate if left too long.

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The bud is good for pain (well it works for me and that's all I need lol ) I still need an opiate but in lower doses, the hash is great for sleep. Ive been told its higher in CBD but I've never actually had it tested scientifically. I was an 8wk and rip grower before, then 8wk take the tops leave for a couple more weeks then chop, so about 10wks. But now its all a bit more refined with 3 brownings then trich colour and because I SCROG I don't get a 2nd harvest of the undergrowth. The longest I left one was 16wk, but didn't really get much benefit compared to the 12-13wk, so this is what I've maintained.

Self pollination was a huge concern of mine too, but even the 16wk was ok, I found a few probably a dozen, but it wasn't full on seeded.

You say about 'over ripeness'. Personally I don't think there is such a thing, just differing stages of maturity imo.



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