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Colloidal Silver and fem seeds

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Also has anyone tried freezing pollen. I have read it can be done on other places so just keen to see if anyone here has some advice


Good news, the pollen I stored in my freezer is viable :yahoo:


I collected this pollen in January 2013.


The male plant/s with mature flowers were held horizontally over a clean piece of printer paper and shaken. The pollen was scraped off the paper into a plastic container and placed in the fridge with the lid slightly ajar for a day or two. I did this to make sure the pollen was dry before freezing. I made my own paper envelopes and emptied the pollen into them and taped them up. The paper envelopes were placed in side a ball jar with silica beads in the bottom of it, and that was placed in the freezer. When I decided to use the pollen I opened the envelope direct from the freezer and applied the pollen straight away.


Some of the other packets I mixed with flour prior to refrigerating to help with pollen spread when using. I am yet to test these envelopes.




Naycha :peace:

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Yeah, Colloidal silver can be a little hit and miss. i BRIEFLY searched for any tutes on colloidal silver and couldnt come across any with photos. Is there any interest in a tutorial on colloidal silver generation ? Ive tinkered with it. Its pointless measuring the ec of colloidal silver solution. Edited by _Puff_Tough_
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My 2c


Using silver to make feminised seeds works because silver blocks ethylene in cannabis. Ethylene is what makes a cannabis plant grow female flowers instead of male ones..


Coloidal silver works but needs multiple applications because the plants don't absorb silver very well in this form. Even then it is still a bit hit and miss how well it works.

STS (silver thiosulfate) one application is often enough as the plants can absorb the silver very easily in this form.


:peace: MongyMan

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Yeah, I wish i had opted for the STS route last seed run. I overshot the mark and though i had a few girls popping nana's pollen production was minimal. After a little googling i now realise how easy it is to purchase the few chems needed to make a batch of it. Buying the chunks of silver was an expensive exercise and aesthetically the silver is fucked now lol..... :/


Thanks for the advice, i'll need it sooner or later.

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