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Are my plants dying?

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I have no idea what is going on here, but i came home other day and noticed this on two of my plants both Autos from different vendors
The leaves are purpling and then growing brown at he tips but not crispy they are still moist, i never feed the leaves directly and i only give half strength about twice a week and good watering once a day. So im kind of confused hoping is a deficiency  and at the same time worried because i had an argument with someone im living with and im thinking out of spite they poured something over the top of the plants, so i been flushing them to try get anything in the soil out. Gah what a head fuck


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All is good Vandle.

Don't be worried about the browning off at all. The plant is almost finished and as it ends it draws up all of its goodness and pushes it into the buds.

This is part of the plants natural cycle Vandle, so as I say 'All is good'.



i really hope your right man, i just pulled up a different auto and it didn't do this at all :\

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