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Hidden Camera Detector

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recently a friend was busted with a hidden camera. the technology is becoming so cheap that I think police will start using them indiscriminatly , esp in small rural towns where things can get very personal.

could someone recommend to me a good detector. my research sugests most of them have very short range.

I do not know what sort of camera was used. I presume it had some sort of motion sensor or maybe it was just a wind up job that took a photo every so often until the film ran out.

I live in NZ maybe someone could advise me

thanks magnolia

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So you're saying that a friend was busted by a hidden camera? Was it outdoors? As this is the outdoor forums I'm assuming so...


Dunno what you could do about detecting them. Not even sure if that's possible. :P


So yeah, sorry, but I'm interested in this, I'll be watching to see what replies come out of this thread. Good luck. B)

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I t has become a problem here , and some of the guys use metal dectors around there plants, checking everytime they visit .A friend was busted last year.Had the cameras in the ground.motion dectors started the little bastard up and he was a DEA movie star. Got off light as most of the 50 kilos was missing at court time.got three years probation.
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yes it was outdoors.

on the net there are camera detectors advertised but they seem designed to spring people snooping through walls etc and talk about frequencys. I suppose they are picking up a transmitted signal.

I suspect they may be useless for cameras left in the bush to record footage.

i have found several versions of cameras that would be very suitable for the police to use but there does not seem to any antidote as yet.

I suppose if they start busting lots of people with them the market will full the demand for an acurate anti surveillance device


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Just wear a balaclava. If you find a camera take it home. Get a sparky mate to rewire it so it no longer serves the dark side of the force but guards future crops instead. Those things are quite expensive. Transmitting from a forest would be hard unless they have a relay station nearby. That should stand out like dogs knackers. If the signal is being recorded to a hidden video machine nearby then pinch that too.
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This is kind of bullshit, no the issue, just what theyre doing. I dont know if this is invasion of personal privacy (privacy acts) and if it is under special provision beacuse it is recording something illigle but i would assume that it is still illigle (Court cases where the information was found illigle are neglected). If they were doing it theyd have motion sensors and would record video to either a tape or digital meadian (flash card, dvd) or would send it to a base station. Its pretty easy to scramble a message but requires a constant power supply, if it is capturing to video or digital and using a motion capture then you could try to continuelly trigger the sensors by placing branches or whatever that move with the wind. The best way to avoid this is to visit ur site at night (motion sensors useless, unless they have night vision which is probablly unlickely considering the cost and even then an image wouldnt be able to tell you apart from you and ur grandma). To detect them would be pretty hard. I think the best way to avoid this (if u were paranoid or growing big crop) would be to scramble the video or disable it. To scramble it you would carry around a scrambler (dont know much about this method) but personally, if it was me, id use an EMP (elotro magnetic pulse) and do a couple around 25 meters around your grow site. To create one of these you need lots of power. If you were totally paranoid you could rent a generator or solar panel for a day. You create a EMP by getting a rod and wrapping it many many times with wire. (tighter the better). Next get a big capactor (the bigger the more distance it effects, if you wanted you could do a series of emps with normal camera capacitors). You chage the capcitor slowlly (depending on the size and how long it takes) you then discharge it through the wire which releases the magnetic waves which destroy electric data. This would work for tapes, flash cards, some digital cameras and the wireless senders by overloading the circuits. (Mr,. Telsa lighted up a grid of lights from about 300 meters wirelesly, he didnt use this method but just something interesting, strangly no one after this has researched it in the same detail). But if you were using this method tree would cut the pulse down so youd be best using a fairly large capactior and doing a series of them around the area unless the vegitation is low

Dont expect anything like the movies, you cant see it, to be on the safe side chuck you watch away from the site. I have no idea how much capacitors cost but im guessing the larger ones are very expensive. But if this isnt your way you can still use explosions that also send out puleses. The atom bombs send out EMP's that travel many miles disabling alot of equitment, For this to be worthy youd need a large explosion above your sight, this would draw attention to your sight, posion ur sight, and probablly damage ur crops. I dont tihnk id ever do this.

In terms of metal detectors, i dont think id try it. Alot of the commerical ones are used for personal use for a couple inches and the bigger the more expensive. If your desperate and have access to one of the many uranium sites around aus you could get some of the uranium to prevent it from recording to the tape making it unusable. This isnt as damgerous as i sounds but to work effectivlly youd need alot of uranium 238 (you cant get 235) or use highly radiocactive which is harder to get and causes more damage,

Dont ask me how i know all this, i dont do any physics where i was taught this, just know it. Im only young to (under 21) and havnt gone to university.

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