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Withdrawal symptoms - irratability, how do you deal with it?



Does anyone else here suffer from basically getting shitty really easily when they go without smoking for longer than they're used to? It's the same sort of moodiness that I experienced when I quit smoking cigs, it can be just as powerful and at times I need to check myself from cracking the shits over trivial things that I would not normally let upset my mood.


I'm just wondering what people that experience this do to deal with it. Obviously the cure would be to stop smoking or cut down a lot, but lets just say I'm interested in alternately remedies at this point, so how do you deal with withdrawals like this?



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Actually it's MAO-A that is involved with the reuptake of Serotonin from neural synapses and the liver that takes care of metabolising serotonin from the 90% of receptors that line the intestines. 


Drugs like St John's Wort, SAM-e and 5HTP are subject to the same sorts of interactions and unwanted side effects as pharmacetically prepared antidepressants. Please check for potential drug interactions if you choose to try these drugs to combat withdrawal symptoms.


St John's Wort


5 - HTP

Edited by louise
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Yeah I did a quick search of those, seems quite a number of people on the internet are taking SAM-e and 5HTP for anxiety or depression. Personally I don't think I need to bother with all that, but thanks, I'll look in the the St. John's and magnesium supplements for sure.

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St John's Wort is effectively the same thing...
Had a look and realised I didn't have the right page open for St John's Wort...
Here is the link to the interactions page http://www.webmd.com/vitamins-supplements/ingredientmono-329-ST.%20JOHN%27S%20WORT.aspx?activeIngredientId=329&activeIngredientName=ST.%20JOHN%27S%20WORT


Link fixed... it didn't want to do it neatly...
I used to spend quite a bit of time and energy pulling St John's Wort out of the paddocks... it is considered one of the worst pasture weeds of the south east of the country.
From the NSW Dept of Primary Industries...

The problem

St John’s wort contains the toxin hypericin, which causes photosensitisation in sheep, cattle, horses and goats. The skin damage associated with this problem leads to weight loss, reduced productivity and, in extreme cases, death. St John’s wort also adds vegetable fault to wool.
St John’s wort competes with useful plants in pastures, and large infestations reduce property values.

Toxic properties

St John’s wort contains the toxin hypericin. Stock will only eat St John’s wort when other feed is scarce; however, it is quite poisonous, particularly to animals not accustomed to it.
When animals ingest hypericin, it passes from the stomach to the bloodstream. When hypericin enters the blood vessels in the skin of an animal it is activated by bright sunlight. Sunlight alters the chemical structure of hypericin, making the compound potentially poisonous.

And because pictures say so much...

post-20731-0-55461600-1395820211_thumb.jpg post-20731-0-35926800-1395820217_thumb.jpgpost-20731-0-82137300-1395820639_thumb.jpg

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Yeah this is what I mean.


Do you usually smoke a bong or just joints?


Cheers for the suggestions all.


I only smoke bongs.

Always dying for one when I walk in the door from work. Put my handbag down and I'm straight into it.

Gotta say though I get more irritable when I'm giving up cigs than when I have to go without weed.

I think irritable is how everyone feels coming off or going without anything that was once a part if their daily routine so will be interesting to see how other people pass the time.


Nancy :)

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I only smoke bongs.

Always dying for one when I walk in the door from work. Put my handbag down and I'm straight into it.

Gotta say though I get more irritable when I'm giving up cigs than when I have to go without weed.

I think irritable is how everyone feels coming off or going without anything that was once a part if their daily routine so will be interesting to see how other people pass the time.


Nancy :)


Yeah for sure, that's part of it, everyone needs their rituals or whatever helps them relax. I was able to give up cigarettes fairly easily, I used Nicabate Mini's for 2-3 months then I went off em. I wasn't an irritable prick either, not at all. But the actual habit and thoughts of smoking cigarettes takes years to die.

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Yeah for sure, that's part of it, everyone needs their rituals or whatever helps them relax. I was able to give up cigarettes fairly easily, I used Nicabate Mini's for 2-3 months then I went off em. I wasn't an irritable prick either, not at all. But the actual habit and thoughts of smoking cigarettes takes years to die.


That's the difference between quitting cold turkey and weaning...

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