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Withdrawal symptoms - irratability, how do you deal with it?



Does anyone else here suffer from basically getting shitty really easily when they go without smoking for longer than they're used to? It's the same sort of moodiness that I experienced when I quit smoking cigs, it can be just as powerful and at times I need to check myself from cracking the shits over trivial things that I would not normally let upset my mood.


I'm just wondering what people that experience this do to deal with it. Obviously the cure would be to stop smoking or cut down a lot, but lets just say I'm interested in alternately remedies at this point, so how do you deal with withdrawals like this?



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It really surprises me that some people report withdrawal sweats.


It sounds like you have an intelligent plan, quitting for periods of several months is definitely healthy, tolerance drops back to basically zero and WOW does one get high.


Sweating is a pretty common response to rapid detox from a substance active in the serotonin system... used to be called a "quasi-morphine withdrawal"... which is a bit of a misnomer because cannabis and morphine are entirely different drugs. The similarity is the serotonergic mechanism that results in sweating.

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this is just you having to face the real world.... and lets be honest real world sucks... i get irritated too when i think about dealing with people not high... my advice is to man up


I'm not really smoking to get fucked up or escape the world, in general I smoke 0.5 to 2g a day, sometimes if I hold off smoking for most of the day it will result in me becoming irate, which isn't the end of the world but it's side effect I'd like to minimise or preferably eliminate.


Not everyone experiences withdrawals like this, but it's not uncommon either, that's why I'm asking for practical suggestions here.

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i have tried to decrease my brains levels of MAO-R.( the chemical that metabolises serotonin) with alternative products like st johns wort, omega 3 fatty acids, SAM-e and 5HTP. these have help me chill out and feel better after spending time smoking to much, avoiding lifes issues. not sure if your in the same boat, so just my 50 cents

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