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Withdrawal symptoms - irratability, how do you deal with it?



Does anyone else here suffer from basically getting shitty really easily when they go without smoking for longer than they're used to? It's the same sort of moodiness that I experienced when I quit smoking cigs, it can be just as powerful and at times I need to check myself from cracking the shits over trivial things that I would not normally let upset my mood.


I'm just wondering what people that experience this do to deal with it. Obviously the cure would be to stop smoking or cut down a lot, but lets just say I'm interested in alternately remedies at this point, so how do you deal with withdrawals like this?



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Yep thats why i keep even the shitty stuff cause it will stop me being cranky one day... as for remedies i havnt found anything that works very well, cut back a little and those symptoms go away keeping busy is probs your best bet bordom is the killer because whats a stoner do when they are bored...smoke weed.... haha
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Have you considered smoking Cannabis may be masking a problem that was already there?


Relaxation techniques can be very effective and free!


Get to know yourself, figure out what things in life are working for you and what things aren't. If you are making positive progress in life no matter how slow i find problems of irritability and anxiousness are greatly reduced.


Other herbal remedies etc may help in the short term to reduce symptoms but finding the cause of the symptoms and working on that is the best bet.


On the other hand maybe it is purely Cannabis related but not likely imo.


Naycha :peace:

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Magnesium is good as steess reliver. I used it the few times i tried to stop and it helped. Also sleepy time from celestial is good, it hlped me a lot.  I am already a grouchy type of a guy and my old man has a fiery temper..a bloody Sicilian temper!


The hardest part for me is that pot has become so much a part of my life that now when i don't have any i find it really hard to be motivated to do anything for the first 3 days, then i am fine. But by week 4-5 i start to get really bored and thats when the cravings begin again.

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When I suddenly stop, I get anxiety and irritable for a few weeks. But these are existing conditions that are being suppressed by the weed.

I drink beer to get the mellow effect but its not as effective and gives you side effects, sick guts, dehydrates ect.


Use beer as a band aid while you get your next grow underway.


If we were all as organised as merlin, we wouldnt have this problem :)

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I am with Merlin I take cannabis because I enjoy who I am high, I get really shitty if I am without, so I never go without.

Saying that I went 5 days last year while in the UK, but I scored some seeds while I was straight so the anticipation of what I could grow helped.

Stay high and everything is a breeze, if not you have the wrong strain. I am a real moody bastard straight, but I have a ball high.

Whats not to like.

Also after cleaning the system for 5 days the high was not noticeably better for it, so I never have tolerance breaks, just change strain.



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I take at least a month off each summer... personally, I think it is a good idea to drop the plasma levels and clear the neuroglia annually (and so do my Dr's).


I do plan for the break by making up a big batch of butter or infused olive oil and use a small amount of that each day. I start with one dose in the morning and one in the evening. I don't take so much that I get really wasted, just enough to stop me from experiencing rapid detox symptoms (primarily irritability, insomnia and sweating).


After a week or so (depending on how much product I have on hand)  I drop to one dose, then a dose every second day, etc. until the butter or oil is finished.


Then I start the minimum of 4 weeks with no weed. This year I went 8 weeks without any real problems... reality does seem a little more boring and I am a little less motivated to do things like clean house, mow lawns etc, but apart from that it's not an issue.


And the pay off when I do smoke again after the break is very nice indeed... even a bit of leaf will get me nicely toasted.

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Have you considered smoking Cannabis may be masking a problem that was already there?


Relaxation techniques can be very effective and free!


Get to know yourself, figure out what things in life are working for you and what things aren't. If you are making positive progress in life no matter how slow i find problems of irritability and anxiousness are greatly reduced.


Other herbal remedies etc may help in the short term to reduce symptoms but finding the cause of the symptoms and working on that is the best bet.


On the other hand maybe it is purely Cannabis related but not likely imo.


Naycha :peace:



I hear what you're saying, perhaps just practicing self control is the best way to deal with this.


Thx again for suggestions, I'll give magnesium a go also.

Edited by pegz
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I take at least a month off each summer... personally, I think it is a good idea to drop the plasma levels and clear the neuroglia annually (and so do my Dr's).


I do plan for the break by making up a big batch of butter or infused olive oil and use a small amount of that each day. I start with one dose in the morning and one in the evening. I don't take so much that I get really wasted, just enough to stop me from experiencing rapid detox symptoms (primarily irritability, insomnia and sweating).


After a week or so (depending on how much product I have on hand)  I drop to one dose, then a dose every second day, etc. until the butter or oil is finished.


Then I start the minimum of 4 weeks with no weed. This year I went 8 weeks without any real problems... reality does seem a little more boring and I am a little less motivated to do things like clean house, mow lawns etc, but apart from that it's not an issue.


And the pay off when I do smoke again after the break is very nice indeed... even a bit of leaf will get me nicely toasted.


It really surprises me that some people report withdrawal sweats.


It sounds like you have an intelligent plan, quitting for periods of several months is definitely healthy, tolerance drops back to basically zero and WOW does one get high.

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A new hobby or exercise helps . I gave up cold turkey for 1 year and was already doing martial arts and playing guitar a little .Once i stopped smoking i was training more often and picking up the guitar at night instead of the bong just to keep my mind amused . What ever keeps the grey matter busy helps .

I smoked daily for 14-16 years and gave up cold turkey . A few nights bad sleep and cranky for a bout 1 week was the wost i experienced . 


 I must be the only stoner that likes having a high tolerance . When i started smoking again after a long break i got REALLY stoned and did not enjoy  that much  . Watch a movie and get to the end going wtf was that about ,could not hold a intelligent conversation , could not play or learn things on the  guitar , i wanted to but my fingers never got the messages  from my brain   . 

 I like being stoned but still be productive .

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A new hobby or exercise helps . I gave up cold turkey for 1 year and was already doing martial arts and playing guitar a little .Once i stopped smoking i was training more often and picking up the guitar at night instead of the bong just to keep my mind amused . What ever keeps the grey matter busy helps .

I smoked daily for 14-16 years and gave up cold turkey . A few nights bad sleep and cranky for a bout 1 week was the wost i experienced . 


 I must be the only stoner that likes having a high tolerance . When i started smoking again after a long break i got REALLY stoned and did not enjoy  that much  . Watch a movie and get to the end going wtf was that about ,could not hold a intelligent conversation , could not play or learn things on the  guitar , i wanted to but my fingers never got the messages  from my brain   . 

 I like being stoned but still be productive .


It's good to have a bit of tolerance, just depends. Too much and I'll be smoking a cone of my best stuff every 15min just to get a buzz, which to me is wasteful. On the other hand, if I don't smoke for a year one cone and I'll be high for 3 hours. I prefer the middle ground.

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