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Withdrawal symptoms - irratability, how do you deal with it?



Does anyone else here suffer from basically getting shitty really easily when they go without smoking for longer than they're used to? It's the same sort of moodiness that I experienced when I quit smoking cigs, it can be just as powerful and at times I need to check myself from cracking the shits over trivial things that I would not normally let upset my mood.


I'm just wondering what people that experience this do to deal with it. Obviously the cure would be to stop smoking or cut down a lot, but lets just say I'm interested in alternately remedies at this point, so how do you deal with withdrawals like this?



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Rum, beer or both ! lol.

^ this, i try not to mix my liquors tho 

also keeping yourself busy helps heaps. when you feel that anxiety creeping up listen to some music or find a funny vid on youtube put your mind in a different place. go see a mate or something.

oh if you do go the rum rout don't go the bundy. appleton estate, inner circle, mount gay, rebellion bay all excellent drops your local bottle o should have at least 1 of these.


edit: well if drinking isnt your thing some other things to try would be valerian root. 5htp supplement you can even go see your doctor and explain that you are "quitting" smoking and you need something to help with the anxiety. you cant do this often tho

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I definitely become irritable if I haven't had a smoke in a day or so. I try to find things to do that involve using my brain to solve a problem or something time consuming..... Failing that it normally ends in some sort of outburst at the closest person about something rediculous lol

As far as long term remedies I don't think there is any except you just gotta ride it out.


Nancy :)

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I definitely become irritable if I haven't had a smoke in a day or so. I try to find things to do that involve using my brain to solve a problem or something time consuming..... Failing that it normally ends in some sort of outburst at the closest person about something rediculous lol

As far as long term remedies I don't think there is any except you just gotta ride it out.


Nancy :)


Yeah this is what I mean.


Do you usually smoke a bong or just joints?


Cheers for the suggestions all.

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Just don't stop, then you have no withdrawal to deal with lol

Grow your own, rely on yourself and never have to rely on a 'dealer' again.

I do have to admit I haven't gone without for 20 odd yrs, other than hospital visits where Ive been high as a kite on pharmas

Personally I find withdrawal from pharmas a horrible downer and for me nothing could be worse than pharma drugs



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