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Hey stoners, Burner here, with an unusual experience.

Been smoking canna now for a good 27 years. One of my favourite numbers, many a great musician never passed this number, Kurt, Jim, and Jimi to name a few. But this has nothin to do with music, though I think I hear the fat lady starting to warm up!

You see, i'm seriously considering giving the herb away, not that I want to, but because I'm over everything these passed three months have shown me.

I was growing last year, then a break up with the missus, and subsequent relocation, and I was growing no more.

Back to the dealer, back to average puff. Not pleasant, but necessary. Unfortunately, not the only customer either, and it was an experience with one of these customers that is putting bad thoughts in my head.

I'm a melbournite, not sure if many other mexicans are experiencing the current canna drought or whether its just this part of the city, but some dudes are really starting to lose it!

Was sitting down with my connection, pulling a few cones when this fella drops by. Seems my dealer gave this bloke some deniro to get a bag for his personal, yeah, things are that dry, dealers are scoring from their customers if they know where to get.

Well, this dude starts spinning off a story, got there, was only a half, sorry man but heres your change, blah blah blah, so on and so forth. We all know what happened yeah? Its economics, buy a bag, sell a q, put in twenty for the other q, which you keep, and tell the fella who paid for the bag up front, you could only get a half, give him his hunge and go get blasted.

Heres a thought, do that shit to anybody but, and I repeat but, your dealer.

I have never experinced a smoker losing his shit like I did that evening, not in 27 years of smoking and scoring, and it wasnt the dealer, but the dude who got the puff. You see, your dealer knows every trick in the book, tis why he deals. Personnally, I have a problem taking peoples hard earned, I tried dealing when younger, turns out you cant make money selling at cost price, but I cant turn profit, dont have it in me, I just wanted to smoke.

Anyway, the dealer sits this fella down, tells him how he sees it, and this dude freaks.

For about an hour and a half this dude went through every possible scenario of a deal gone wrong, and displayed nearly every possible emotion in doing so. Guilt can make people say and do some pretty weird shit.

All the time, I was just sitting there, not even smoking because this whole scene was just bizarre to me, wondering when it all changed? This is not the stoner of yesterday, this new breed of stoner is not right in the head. Pot is pot, kinda like Pepsi, it was the choice of a new generation, it was there to be enjoyed. If it wasnt there, you didnt lose your shit and lose sleep over it, because it would be back before you knew it, maybe tomorrow, maybe next week, but it would return, and blasting away would be better than last time. No, these people seek it out in every nook and cranny of society, because they need it to survive!?, and in the process, rip everybody they know off, in their daily quest, and wonder why, at the end of the day, why they are smoking alone?

To all those out there who lose their shit without the herb, wake the fuck up dickheads, you cry for legalisation and behave like crack whores, stop fucking it up for those of us who medicate, and have self control and discipline to not let something control our lives, but rather integrate into our lives, and chill the fuck out.

Your behaviour is what the public notice, and unfortunately, all of us stoners are judged on that behaviour. You do stupid shit in order to get stoned, tell people that your addicted!? to weed, when in reality, your too fucking lazy to work in order to support yourself financially and buy your weed, then cry poor to all that life is fucked and you cant cope no more?

If this is what it has all come to, then I want the fuck out. Never experienced it in 27 years, maybe it is time to farewell my other lady, but I think i'll make that call after Nimbin. That may be the culmination of a dear relationship with the most amazing plant on the planet, just wish others would hold her in the same regard.

This is Burner, packing his bags for the road trip of his life:-)

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Thats pretty Farky burner, sometimes shit just happens. We can not be responsible for the actions of others, nor should your enjoyment be tainted by the foolish acts of others.

There are still good stoners around , just gotta keep the faith, but I know where ya coming from.

:afro:  Nibs.

Edited by The Hash Nibbler
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There are all kinds of people that use Cannabis, some of them will not be what you personally consider a good advertisement for Cannabis.


The same can be said for people that use motor vehicles, t-shirts, and chamomile tea.


I won't let the 'undesirable' element affect my choice to responsibly engage in the activites I enjoy.


Naycha :peace:

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its not the herb thats bad its the scene. and hes just a bad apple mate and probably well fucked up in the head. sounds like he needs a psych more then he needs drugs. get out of that scene ASAP and start growing again. gorilla outside or a small indoor just for your own use.

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