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just checked my cannas soil ph

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Came back @ 5.5. Not bad for vegging but not ideal and to my surprise my plants are packing on size even @ this level while in flower. 

  Decided to whip up to bunnings anyway and purchased some eco-flo lime to try to raise it a good point to at least 6.5.

Gave it a good drink 75ml to 9ltrs and will check it again in a weeks time.


Kinda weird and will update speed of change.......


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just be carefull raising it, it will go higher has the plant uses fertilizers,  its a natural process .. i ph my feed to 5.8 and the root zone ends up at 6.2 to 6.5 by the time it needs a feed, its better if the root zone varys  it will avoid any nute lock out, and defiencies..  




Hope this helps!!





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Thx Vape for info and heads up.


  Only reason i tested it was out of curiosity as plants general health is good. 

Ive just taken another sample 2inchs down after lime feed and its now up to 7.0.

  I'l take another sample in 2 days after its next feeds settled in and hope it go's no higher.

I just though 5.5 was borderline low @ flower.

Edited by Katton
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The ph will fluctuate based on what nutes are used and how much water is available.  From what I've seen it mostly goes up in vege and down in flower and although the plants can hold on and look very nice like Katton's when they finally do get the ph lockout they can turn to crap in just a few days.  I've found the best thing to do is feed a little higher/lower than ideal for your medium so that when the plants use up the nutrients the ph swings towards the ideal instead of starting ideal and moving away from it.  In early vege you actually need a little higher than normal as the youngins love the P and from what I can tell you really need to drive the ph up in mid to late flower when the buds are packing on the weight before dropping it back down a little after that growth spurt.  I'm still learning it all myself but I really believe that's the best way to go.


I'm honestly impressed at how good that plant looks considering it was at 5.5 at that point in flower.  When mine got that low they all looked like death so well done mate and now that you've bumped her ph up I bet she really packs on a ton of weight for you :)

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Thx Vape for info and heads up.


  Only reason i tested it was out of curiosity as plants general health is good. 

Ive just taken another sample 2inchs down after lime feed and its now up to 7.0.

  I'l take another sample in 2 days after its next feeds settled in and hope it go's now higher.

I just though 5.5 was borderline low @ flower.



Check out the chart Katton, it shows the zone you need,  anything above  ph 7 will lock out P and you dont want that for flowering.. 


Good luck with it all, id start the range at 6 then let it flutuate naturally up to 7 then allow the phed feed, to bring it back down to 6, makeing it a average of 6.5 which is perfect.. 

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Thanks 4 link and input Vape, that 5.5 wasn't in the ballpark for P.


Doc, ive got my fingers crossed ive done the right thing and hope things kick again through last half. Anyways im still taking notes so to speak and will add some dolimite along with my usual blood and bone when prep next years grow given soils sandy. tks 

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Ive taken more soil samples and only get a 6.5 reading just after feed then it drops back quickly by days end to 5.5 and stays there. Oh well plants content and so should i be. 

  I will be happy if things plod along to finish. Im guessing another 4 weeks and hope it smokes as good as last years which was very tasty and packed a punch.                                          Cheers for help............. 



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