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THCA tinctures successfully treats CDKL5 seizures. Saves childs life.

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I would like to share a graphic example of how THCA can effectively treat CDKL5 seizures - one of the more lethal pediatric seizures.


The child I have been assisting with her CDKL5 seizure problem has just had a EEG to assess her brain function after starting a THCA tincture I made for her.
This child spent 3 months in ICU and was close to death. Nothing at all was working. Half her daily dose of AED’s are attached. One week after starting THCA she was in Bear Cottage Hospice and shortly after that home.
This child is seizure now free since starting THCA.
Further, a video posted today showed the child animated and rolling on the floor, waving legs and arms in a concerted effort to roll over – as two year olds are prone to do. She made it! Previously this child had minimal general and fine motor skills and zero cognitive awareness of the world around her. She can now recognise her parents.
I believe the EEG is graphic proof that in this case, a THCA treatment has won the day with conventional AED’s failing miserably. In fact, I believe the AED’s prescribed would have eventually killed her!
I am so proud to share this with you. I am so proud that this kiddie now has a better quality of life. I am proud to have been paid not one cent for the treatment I provided her – and in fact risked jail to make it so
Edited by Smokin Moose
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