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Obtaining oil



Hi all,


I'm a newbie here and am trying to assist someone in obtaining some hash oil to treat someone with sever neurological issues (severe autism, seizures, amongst other things). Whilst I'm able to obtain sufficient product to make the oil for him, due to my circumstances I am unable to do so (regardless, the process sounds scary to me! Hah) I've tried contacting Mullaways with no success.


Whilst I am close to places like Nimbin I'm aware I'm not going to be able to just wonder down the street and purchase it...


I have looked up butter recipes but not only can he not eat dairy, I'm unsure if the strength will suffice. I've always been a smoker (osteoarthritis in my hips), so it's all a new world for me..


Any advice appreciated!


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Not sure about where to buy oil from but its easy to make. Well bho is easy to make. go online and look up butane hash oil, you can purchase a ready made extractor or make one with some metal pipe and fittings. its really simple, weed goes in a pipe with a cap either end, in one end is a pin hole for gas and oil to escape and the other end a hole sized so your can of butane can spray in without to many leaks. Gas passes through your weed tearing out all the oils/resins and drips out the pin hole on to what ever you collect it on glass dish etc. Only use the highest grade butane without impurities you can test for impurities by spraying can on some clean glass if a residue is left behind its probably not pure enough and will leave behind heavy metals and other nasties you dont want in your oil. Once oil is collected it is very important to vacuum purge the oil to remove trapped gasses. Ive done this a few times, i made my extractor from a piece of stainless pipe two hose clamps a coffee filter and a piece of aluminium can with a pin hole for the oil end and a stainless tapered fitting for the can end , took 15mins to make filled it with a quarter ounce and blasted gas through it until oil stopped coming out unpacked it refilled and repeated. First run i didnt purge (lack of knowledge) and it was hideous almost turned me off trying it again but with a proper purge it is tastier and smokes better and really powerfull. Vacuum purgers can be bought on the net fairly cheap.


Good luck finding some to purchase hope you get to help out your friend.

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Thanks heaps for the replies, not sure I was overly clear though. Smoking is not an option, so itll have to be ingested orally.


I was looking paleos potent canna fry oil thread and wondered of perhaps this might be an option, as mixing say a tablespoon of oil into food would or even into a drink would make ingestion an easier option.


Again, open to suggestions, I'm a single dad to a little autistic boy, so having butane around the home isn't something I'm able to do safely.


Thanks all


Edited by lCaml
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Hi ICaml


If its something to eat rather than smoke that you want, have you tried making  butter...easy to make and if you have access to high quality product then you can make high quality butter and make that into anything you think he will eat. Dosage amount could be a problem with the butter depending on how its used. I have made it a few times and baked into cookies, worked a treat. 





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Hi max, personally I've made butter with reasonable success, but the person cannot eat dairy, and as you say I think dosage consistency may be an issue. I might have a look into some dairy free options.


I think I may end up trying paleos cannaoil recipie, at least he could ingest that easily, even if by syringe.


Thanks a million for the replies, I'm learning quickly!

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Edibles are great but I personally think you should really look into tinctures.  They hit almost instantly like smoking a cone while edibles can take 45 mins to start kicking in.  A combination of both would probably be ideal but if you have to pick between the options I would recommend the tincture simply because 45 minutes can feel like a lifetime to someone suffering :(

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I can highly recommend coconut oil recipes.  I have posted one (Cannanut Rough - think Coconut Roughs) in the green eggs and ham thread thats dead easy and tasty as hell.  Theres also a very good tute by nibbler that takes you through the decarb process and why it's important when making oil.  Also you should consider a simple alcohol based tincture recipe.


Good luck

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