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New South Wales Hemp Trials Extended

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Trials of commercial hemp production would continue in NSW despite the limited success of tests underway since 1995, State MP Steve Whan said.


But, the NSW government warned anyone interested in growing the crop it contained only low levels of THC, the active ingredient in marijuana.


Mr Whan said that since 1995 when trials were first authorised, there had been 60 separate trials delivering important data on hemp growing and the potential of manufacturing its fibre.


He said the government warned that earlier trials had been difficult, producing low yields.


The first planting was carried out at Armidale but was never harvested because it performed below expectation and was waterlogged.


"We recognise that this area has been difficult, but we are willing to look at new crops for farmers and ways to continue and expand agriculture in NSW," Mr Whan said.


"However, part of the research is discovering what works and what does not."


But, he said with more countries utilising hemp fibre for fabrics and other materials there was a real likelihood the trials could become commercially viable projects.


Mr Whan said there was a growing market for hemp fibre overseas so if production was successful in the long term, it could become an export product.



Date: 07/05/04

Source: The Age

Copyright: 2004. The Age Company Ltd.

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Mr Whan said there was a growing market for hemp fibre overseas so if production was successful in the long term, it could become an export product.

Wake up Australia, we have been telling them that for years. :)


"However, part of the research is discovering what works and what does not."

Maybe someone should send them a link to this site, we could save them a lot of time and effort. ::):



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hey tom, do you really think that we are getting closer to our desired goal?  -CALYX

Yeah, slowly but surely, the general public is becoming aware of how much garbage the authorities have been feeding them for years, plus a lot of the present generation are starting to educate their parents. :B):



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