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E-papillon 1000w double ended green power

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My favorite reflectors are Sun Lighting. 


Place the same or similar lamp in a Sun system and it will always perform better than in any other.  They leave all the competition for dead in any class they make them in.  Their designers seem to truly know their stuff.


Gavita is better than E-Papillion in light distribution, and irrespective of all the sales hype, lies (redirection of heat etc... that's heat simply ESCAPING) and misrepresentation surrounding the ePap, they are basically a lousy fitting/reflector, though both are nowhere near as good as a Sun Lighting equivalent - see attachment.




Edited by FrankWills
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having used the dpap i actually love the butterfly reflector design. sun system are excellent as well in fact i have a forum buddy using the same 315w lamps i use only in a sun system vert OG style hood and i have to say for my room i would take the sun system hands down over the dpap because im boxed into a small square growspace but you can bet your arse if i was growing in a larger space with multiple reflectors i would take the dpap/epap reflector everytime hands down.


you can call it all lies if you like but have you used one or are you just repeating misinformation? the heat distribution is excellent the reflector design does exactly what it says it does using convection to remove heat upwards allowing it to escape on its own. this in turn increases lamp life. sure the sun system is an air cooled unit too so it combats the issue in that way but if your running multiple lamps then you either have to vent each one individually or your simply pulling hot air from one lamp through onto the next and the effect multiplies with each lamp so it makes running multiple lamps in a large grow op either costly or inefficient.


second of all the light spread from the butterfly reflectors may not spout huge numbers like the sun system but it is fairly close to the others with the main difference being it doesnt have a major hot spot directly under the lamp and has a much more even spread of light. also what you dont see in the charts is the width of the dpaps and epaps is crazy, they throw light much further outwards than any other reflector i have ever used. granted again in a closed space like mine that isnt perfect and again i would personally go the sun system given the choice but in an open room with multiple lamps i would bet money that the epap reflector would  be the go to lamp. they are designed to be hung lower than other reflectors because there are no hot spots, they throw a very low wide angle which maximises lamp overlap. also the low wide angle of the light gives excellent canopy penetration, a powerful light shining directly down still wont have the penetration you need because the leaves themselves block the light but with a lower wider angle you can use your imagination and see the light coming in under some of the leaves from the side, thats where you get your penetration from, its also one of the reasons vert lighting is so popular in large rooms.


so i guess all im really saying is its horses for courses, the dpaps and epaps are produced for large scale horticultural purposes, they are designed for farmers running large greenhouses or warehouses, believe it or not phillips probably didnt have the small cupboard grower in mind when they created there lamp. and for what it is designed for i suspect its probably one of the best reflectors on the market.


also i would like to add when comparing it to the gavita you would probably be able to hang the epap a good 6" closer than the gavita because of the even spread of light and heat so there is no hot spots, when you compare the charts keeping that in mind you can see they are fairly similar. numbers on paper dont always tell the full story.

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I can only speak from my own gavita's im running now.


I first thought the reflectors looked small and flimsy compared to my giant air cooled hood i had before.


But the gavita reflector is much higher grade material and just pumps light out, i'm very happy.


compared to my 600w solis tek the gavita is blinding and gives me a tan like the sun.


ramble over

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