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Wow indeed like i said in a article i started asking about this just this morning. Doc the golf clap is for you mate good find and looks like i have found my tool i had only dream about being available to the common toker/breeder. Now i would imagine this is a game changer for the coffee shops and dispensary  especially if the customer can simply verify there claims on the spot it will for sure put the wind up so called Organically grown or 1:1 THC/CBD Ratios they are quoting. And the Mythical 30% THC.

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I'll just wait for Doc to get one and then casually invite myself around lol


Naycha :peace:

I'm waiting until Christmas before I consider getting one.  I think the second generation due around then will be approximately 4x more accurate getting it to within 5% of gas spectrometry done in a lab while the current model only gets to about 20% accuracy.   It should also get smaller and be more friendly to post between friends ;)

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I'll just wait for Doc to get one and then casually invite myself around lol


Naycha :peace:

Roflmo Nay


Had not thought of that just when you Finnish testing all your strains mail it to a mate to test his all his, you could almost start to compile a data base of friends ganja like a community bank i could be looking for a even cannabinoid profile to cross over a crazy strong strain to mellow out and balance the high, i whip out the thumb drive with my trusty Excel spreadsheet and wouldn't you know it Davo has just the strain lol (possibility's endless just need some strains mmm lol ) Yeah it will change how some people grow and smoke but for the majority they will not bat an eyelid over this. Same old Aussie stoners "is it green well ill take it " its a little wet "ill take it" arrrhaha

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Great find brother Doc,

will this push up the price of organic produce tho?

I don't think so it will just keep people honest with the patients and customer's alike, im sure there are plenty of dispensary out there claiming there product to be organic but sneak in some chem when a bad mite or deficiency threatens to destroy the whole crop. It just means they know someone anyone has the Tech at there disposal to verify there claims, and i think that would be quite damaging for the dispensary/dealers. More power to the consumer its a great tool.

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