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Drug Bust Claims 100+ Arrests

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MORE than 100 people, including members of a motorcycle gang, have been charged with drug offences following a widespread operation, Queensland police said today.


Two men, aged 45 and 57, were charged with trafficking and producing amphetamines over a five-year period.


The arrests were made during the Queensland Police and Australian Crime Commission's (ACC) Operation Alpha Mayflower.


Police said a number of bikies from Rockhampton in central Queensland were charged with drug trafficking offences, while their associates on the Sunshine Coast were charged with distributing ecstasy and cannabis.


"Working in cooperation with the ACC, we have charged more than 100 people with over 250 charges," said Rockhampton-based regional crime squad coordinator Dale Weightman.


Police said 8kg of the amphetamine precursor pseudoephedrine, about 5,300 ecstasy tablets, 2kg of amphetamine, 3.5kg of cannabis and two amphetamine laboratories were seized during the operation.


"Clearly this operation has made a big dent in the production and supply of dangerous drugs within the community," Detective Inspector Weightman said.


Meanwhile, seven people, including a 16-year-old boy, have been charged with stolen property and drug offences following raids on homes at Deception Bay north of Brisbane.



Date: 07/05/04

Source: Herald Sun

Copyright: 2004 Herald and Weekly Times

Feedback: http://www.heraldsun.news.com.au/common/st...55E1702,00.html

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