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it doesnt stop! is it ready yet !?

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hi guys.. well my plant has become a little bit on a standstill.... its about 3 weeks over the "due date" of the strain and to be honest I havent really noticed much development ethier :wacko:

Its auto think different by dutch passion... In my eyes It still doesn't look as ready yet... last week i decided to give her more PK 13/14.. to see what happened... nothing has changed really but I still have way to many white amber hairs...

what do you think? Im just still feeding her bloom nutes... Ive heard in the final last weeks this strain particular starts to really fatten right up with low leaf to calayx ratio... still to many leaf to bud yet imho.
She is very very bushy and dense.. alot of little flowers underneath all that bloody foliage too... and there just practically all white hairs...

Here is some pics. Ill put my money on another 3 weeks maybe 4. I want the most out of her... I haven't experienced this before whether you want to call it a "problem" that she has just sort of "stopped?"





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thanks for the fast replys guys... unfortunatley no magnifying glass... but by eyesight if its even possible to the naked eye... all white pretty much.. cant check if there amber or cloudy.


Ill just let her keep going... there seems to be spaces that havent filled part of the branches fully yet as the buds are not fully formed a single colas yet ethier...

if she is already like this at this stage and looking at pictures from other think differents she is going to be one chunky fat girl ill be looking at over 100grams easy.

take a look at these pics... and yes they are both autos and the other is a dutch passion mazar that hasn't started flowering yet in a 55L POT... I think she could deal with a transplant in a 150L big potting bag (there is a seperate thread whether I should transplant or not for this girl).

enjoy the pics.

(for reference the plant we are discussing is the smaller "think different" without the can on the base) the bigger one on the left is ALSO a think different planted at he same time but has a more sativa influence and isnt as far as the other one..





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