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Anti-drug Paraphernalia Laws To Be Enforced

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Attention head shops, party stores, gas stations, delis, smoke shops, record stores and any other outlet selling bongs, roach clips and other drug paraphernalia:


The party is over.


Federal and local law enforcement authorities gathered Wednesday to announce they are sending gentle reminders to more than 350 Detroit businesses that the sale of such items is a felony under federal law.


It is punishable by up to three years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000. Selling such material is also against state and local laws.


Officials are not targeting stores in other cities.


Are there no head shops in the suburbs?


U.S. Attorney Jeffrey Collins said, "We're going to go wherever the evidence takes us."


The banned items:


Pipes: Metal, wooden, glass, acrylic, stone, plastic, ceramic -- with or without screens -- hashish heads or punctured metal bowls. Also, chamber, carburetor, electric, air-driven and ice pipes.


* Carburetion tubes and devices.


* Smoking and carburetion masks.


* Roach clips or any objects used to hold burning material.


* Miniature spoons.


* Chillums (a pipe or bowl).


* Bongs.


* Chillers.


* Cigarette papers with wires used to hold roaches.


* Cocaine freebase kits.


By Jim Schaefer

Date: 06/05/04

Source: Detroit Free Press

Copyright: Detroit Free Press Inc. 2004

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