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Another Noob looking for some feedback

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Hi All


I am not a complete novice but from what I now understand was exceptionally lucky the last time I grew. (Story for another time) So I think I rate as a novice. I have been researching furiously.


I have 4 babies definitely 2 girls probably 3 and  a "Bonsai" (result of 100 times too much fertiliser) Biggest issue I think I have now is that my PH is way to high and one of them (PICs attached) is PH8. When I discovered this I immediately gave the plant a thorough long watering and added Sulphur Granules at the rate suggested for potted plants then watered them in as well. No feeds since and not planning to for another 5 or so days


I would really appreciate your thoughts on the pics especially the apparent die off of the lower larger leaves. I am hoping this is just the result of the PH imbalance and nothing more sinister. I have another that was planted at the same time and is now 3 weeks into flower. Ph on that one is 7 but its in the ground and seems to be doing OK  again any suggestions comments would be appreciated


I only twigged that there may be an issue when the PH8 one hadn't really done anything for about a week and looked like it had stalled which from what I understand is pretty much what has happened.


The one marked supercropping has had a fairly hard life as I have used it to try a few different things with varying success. it does seem to be starting flower nicely but again the PH is too high at about PH7.8 so it has been flushed no further feeds and added a little sulphur.


I have been using Canna Vega fertiliser and switched to Canna flores for flowering.












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The loss of lower leaves is probably due to the switch to flowering ferts to early... at the beginning of flowering the plants need goodly doses of nitrogen to keep up with the stretch and flowering ferts generally don't have enough.


With the pH issues, seeing as you have added sulphur, I wouldn't suggest doing anything else right now (better to err on the side of caution than overload the plant with potions). Sulphur isn't really a high need element for cannabis... amending your soil mixtures with dolomite lime will keep your pH around 7 and add useful calcium and Magnesium to the mix.

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The loss of lower leaves is probably due to the switch to flowering ferts to early... at the beginning of flowering the plants need goodly doses of nitrogen to keep up with the stretch and flowering ferts generally don't have enough.


With the pH issues, seeing as you have added sulphur, I wouldn't suggest doing anything else right now (better to err on the side of caution than overload the plant with potions). Sulphur isn't really a high need element for cannabis... amending your soil mixtures with dolomite lime will keep your pH around 7 and add useful calcium and Magnesium to the mix.

so how long into flower b4 you switch?  i just switched and alot of fan leaves yellowed...

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Thanks for the help, Pascon when you say PH water is this something I need to buy or is there something I need to "mix up"


Thanks Louise So best bet leave it alone and just keep watering? Sorry for asking what may seem like an obvious question but when should I try the dolomite calcium and Magnesium...next grow? The PH8 seems to have stalled so I guess (and I mean guess :-) ) I should be more patient...and water as Pascon has suggested.


You are dead right I did give the PH8 a couple of feeds of the Cannes Flores, cause like a typical noob I was impatient and thought the PH8 was beginning to flower. Oh well you live and you learn


Thanks for the info



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so how long into flower b4 you switch?  i just switched and alot of fan leaves yellowed...


These days I use canna coco a+b so there is no swap... back when I was using soil I would give the plants around a month on veg nutes.


Thanks Louise So best bet leave it alone and just keep watering? Sorry for asking what may seem like an obvious question but when should I try the dolomite calcium and Magnesium...next grow? The PH8 seems to have stalled so I guess (and I mean guess :-) ) I should be more patient...and water as Pascon has suggested.


I'd be testing the pH weekly and just keep watering... sulphur granules are likely to have an impact on the soil for an extended period. With dolomite lime, you can mix it through the soil before planting. For plants in the ground you can top dress the area every 2-3 months. You can top dress pots, but by the time the pot needs top dressing you usually need to to pot up to a larger container anyway.

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Max on your question ph up and down can be brought from hydro shops if u keep your feeds at a good ph your soil shuld not fluctuate that much ... If feed is constantly a ph of around 8 ! Citric acid lemon juice are good ph down ... My method sounds more extreme but I use 2 drop hydrochloric to 250 mill of water in a bottle .. Then I add that buy the capful until it ph my water to 6.8 good luk hope that helps
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Thanks for your help..I have moved the PH8 pot from where it was because I suspect on days like today 42c that it gets heat stressed between a shed and a fence which acts like a bit of an oven. I will keep watering and testing over the next couple of weeks(thanks Louise) and see if its starting to return to normal. If its heading in the right direction then will leave well alone if not then sounds like I need to get a hold of some PH up/down or similar.(thanks Pascon)


Thanks once again for the great advice....I have been on a huge learning curve over the last few months. I guess I was like most and thought, hey this is a really easy way to get a primo smoke. Get a seed, a bit of water, maybe give it some feed = primo sticky huge buds. DOH!

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The loss of lower leaves is probably due to the switch to flowering ferts to early... at the beginning of flowering the plants need goodly doses of nitrogen to keep up with the stretch and flowering ferts generally don't have enough.


With the pH issues, seeing as you have added sulphur, I wouldn't suggest doing anything else right now (better to err on the side of caution than overload the plant with potions). Sulphur isn't really a high need element for cannabis... amending your soil mixtures with dolomite lime will keep your pH around 7 and add useful calcium and Magnesium to the mix.

I'm a bit confused on this recommendation Louise. As I read it the issue is high pH 7.8 - 8 so assume he/she has used sulphur to lower the pH (which is the right way to go) and not to add the element Sulphur as a nutrient. Adding dolomite lime to an already alkaline soil will inevitably raise the pH further causing further problems with Magnesium and Manganese availability. Depending on what physical form the sulphur came in.... "granules" is mentioned so if they are the type that look a bit like yellow lentils this will take too long to effect pH lowering. Powdered sulphur is a lot quicker but still slow as it depends on a good soil ecology e.g. bacteria ,humus level, moisture etc. Grinding the sulphur "prills" (as they are referred to) will improve their breakdown. I would also go down the path of watering with a pH adjusted water/nutrient. Do you drink black tea ???? Leaf tea is best but you can save tea bags in a bucket to make up a guess what tea tea !!!! If you drink tea from a pot just pour the unused portion on top of the soil leaves and all. I use tea in my hydro mix every now and then to lower my water pH in addition to my WhiteVinegar pH down. Tea has been used for time eternity to keep soil slightly acidic around Azaleas , Camellias and Rhododendrons just ask you Grandma :). In you case you can use it to keep pH down to about 6.25 - 7 for max. nutrient availability. I managed a fertiliser company for 4 years in South Australia and high pH was a common issue on the limestone based soils of Adelaide and the Southern vales and Sulphur was a common amendment albeit a slow one. There is no doubt Dolomite Lime is a good soil amendment when preparing soils and as mentioned a good way to add Calcium and Magnesium but you need to be careful in alkaline soils. Cheers Pat.

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