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48 Charged After Drug Raids

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It should be legal to grow at home, legal for commercial growers to supply and grow in greenhouses, bloody legal!

I agree with this statement.

I think SA had it right when the law was three plants personal under lights or outdoors.

This kind of legislation combined with a Dutch coffee shop system at the same time would be providing income and personal smoke to those growing small amounts if they could distribute through the coffee shops or just keep it for themselves. It would remove the organised crime element from the trade and gst taxes would be a new income to the government.

But this is far too enlightened for the powers that be.

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I personally have no pity at all to Drug Dealing Scum.  Charging people money for something that is basically free to grow. They should be publicly flogged for their lowly acts againt humanity.


Potheads/Growers who have firearms are the type of people who give the half-decent smokers/growers a bad name. You dont need a gun unless there is a reason to use it. There is a difference between growing a bit of personal and growing a product to commit ciminal acts.


Keep these scum in jail where they belong. Some might see my view to being a bit extreme or just plain wrong. But in the long run think of the big picture. The basic "straight" family while eating their steak and veg dinner are watching the news see about a drug bust where some people were caught growing some pot and they also found guns, assaulting police and obstructing police is not a act of a normal(non-criminal) person just wanting to smoke a substance for personal reasons.


It isnt the attitude of Politicians that need to be changed. The attitude of the average person needs to be changed so the general society will have a different way of seeing people who smoke some pot. The Politicians attitude might change if these Drug Dealers will stop giving Marijuana a bad name. Take away the criminal element of pot and it would not take too long for it to be decriminized or if not made legal.


Just my thoughts on the subject. Sick and tired of people saying it is wrong that people get charged for growing some pot. Fair enough I will bag any ruling on someone being charged for some personal pot. But growing enough to sell is not helping the people who are genuine about getting Marijuana Laws reversed.


Yes Thor i do see your views as extreme and just plain wrong ! ;)

1. Demand = Supply, if the general public did not willingly offer money to people in exchange for weed,there would be no dealers.


2. People growing weed are permitted to own guns if they are licesenced and secured, in this case one of the firearms was inadvertantly left out of it's unlocked cabinet.


3.It IS the attitude of politicians that needs to be changed, they are the ones who make the laws that criminalize Marijuana.

4. NO i do not endorse dealing in any drugs!

Edited by Frazzle
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Why the fuck is it called drug dealing anyway. Lets turn it on it's head for a minute.


Consider a substance that when taken changes a person's thought pattern, makes them feel different. Then take this substance and manufacture it on a huge scale, imigine now that there are different strains of this substance, some people like one type of strain some like another type, then imagine that you can charge x amount for this product, and if you buy in bulk you get a discount.


Alright now that you have all that, imagine replacing the word cannabis with the word alcohol and the work dealer with the word bottle shop.


Pretty fucking stupid isn't it.


I was sitting at the stop lights the other day when I looked up and saw a giant billboard advertising some new brand of beer, you know the type "try new xxxxx with it's smooth taste etc", and I thought to myself there should be a picture of a giant bud up there saying something like "try the new White Rhino, you'll lovr the smoothness" because in all essence they both are aimed at doing the same thing except one has so many more benefits than the other, can you imagine going to a bar in a nightclub and being able to order a joint instead of a beer, it would just about put an end to nighclub brawls, cause instead of punching somneone in the head for bumping into you because you were so pissed, you would just laugh at them and them at you. I'd love to be in a place with 400 other stoned people, can you imagine the high you would get.


Well enough ranting from me, I was thinking about this today, because there was something on the radio about Australia having the highest binge drinking problem in the world or something.

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hey risingsun, did they stop that? the 3 plants thing in SA... So what are the laws there now?


yep they changed that law a couple of years ago. Check out the Hemp SA website for some info on the change.


i remember when it was ten plants for personal use then it went to three down to one back to three and then back to one.


It really should be two though to give people a better chance of one female.

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Why the fuck is it called drug dealing anyway. Lets turn it on it's head for a minute.


Consider a substance that when taken changes a person's thought pattern, makes them feel different. Then take this substance and manufacture it on a huge scale, imigine now that there are different strains of this substance, some people like one type of strain some like another type, then imagine that you can charge x amount for this product, and if you buy in bulk you get a discount.


Alright now that you have all that, imagine replacing the word cannabis with the word alcohol and the work dealer with the word bottle shop.


Pretty fucking stupid isn't it.


I was sitting at the stop lights the other day when I looked up and saw a giant billboard advertising some new brand of beer, you know the type "try new xxxxx with it's smooth taste etc", and I thought to myself there should be a picture of a giant bud up there saying something like "try the new White Rhino, you'll lovr the smoothness" because in all essence they both are aimed at doing the same thing except one has so many more benefits than the other, can you imagine going to a bar in a nightclub and being able to order a joint instead of a beer, it would just about put an end to nighclub brawls, cause instead of punching somneone in the head for bumping into you because you were so pissed, you would just laugh at them and them at you. I'd love to be in a place with 400 other stoned people, can you imagine the high you would get.


Well enough ranting from me, I was thinking about this today, because there was something on the radio about Australia having the highest binge drinking problem in the world or something.



Hi dsyfer


i agree - ever been to a bush doof ... hundreds of stoned people enjoying trance beats and dancing - it's beautiful :thumbsup

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i used to live in tawoomba and the drug dealers there are total scum (most of them) they put ne thing on there crop to get crazy weed but some are just selling petty bush buds to have a little cash on the side ..and a fire arm on the premisis of a grow site is absoloutely neccesary as the are theives ...i prefer a sword though a nice and sharp samurai sword scares off theives even if they have a peice ... and there are alot of little abo thieves round tawoomba (dont call me racist as i am half indiginous australian)..
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