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Starting My Outdoor Grow

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Hey Guys,


Just started my first outdoors grow. I'm using bag seed so the bud if i get to that stage may not be to hot but who cares doing it for experience and stuff.


We started growing from cotton wool then transfering to seedling pots with seedling mix. Within two days these are the pictures I have to show.


When they get a little bigger and if more sprout (it has only been two days) we will be moving them to a secret location that is well hidden in bushland.


Here are my pics:


How do I upload?

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Well from here on in any help would be appreciated. From now on in when they get nbigger we are moving to bushland as mentioned and transferring to bigger pots.


Anyone have any idea what type thay are? What are the differences to male and female and do I need one of each? Here is where i know shit all not even the basic so any help would be great or any advice on what i should do from here on in. What fertiliser to use and when to use it etc,


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