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Swab test at work

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Hey everyone,

So here's my little story...

Today while on the way to work I find out they have done random drug and alcohol testing on day shift, so I start to freak out after having about 6 cones before I'd left my house.

So I buy 4x berroccas 1x extra chewy 1x small Colgate mouthwash I drank all the berroccas before getting to work then 2 red bulls and a 6 inch subway sub and chew gum for an hour.

I get called up for a "random" drug and alcohol test 6 hours after last smoke quickly wash mouth out with mouth wash and get to the test I put this swab thing in my mouth but didn't touch the inside of my mouth but he said it wasn't good enough I tried that twice, but third attempt I just got as much saliva on it as I could and he accepted it puts it in his machine says will only take 4 mins.....longest 4mins of my life! But everything came back NEGATIVE!! :) I was so happy!.

After reading most things on the net I was freaking out as most was saying 24hrs or days

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That's pretty lucky Mal.

Lucky it wasn't a piss test, 2-4 weeks to get out ya system.

I lost a really good job from failing the piss test and was the first personat the company to do so :(

With only a days notice all I could do was try to dilute my system. Think I downed about 9-10L of water over the 24hrs before the test but it still showed up slightly and was enough to fail. Hohum, ya live n learn...





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Mal, change company as soon as possible. If they cannot work out that people who smoke cannabis are generally more creative than people who do not. If they think drug tests are going to improve their business buy gettng rid of the people who fail a drug test they need to take a drug test.

Edited by Pukka Budz
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