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Marijuana Use During Pregnancy Affects Baby's Brain

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jamacian women have used cannabis for a long time to help with the rigors of child rearing, morning sickness, labour pain. 


maybe the results are tainted because of the use of tobacco with cannabis, in western society.


I am a long time cannabis user, with 4 gorgeous very intelligent children to 2 different mothers(2 each). both mothers used  str8 cannabis(no nicotine) right thru from conception thru to child birth. my children all excelled in development. no birth defects, no eye problems, all have extremely good motor reflex's and all have their particular little quirk where their talent really shows, math, art, English, gaming, music etc. my 6 yr old girl has been able to read, self taught since she was 3/4, thanks "Dora", can sing better than most wanna bees on xfactor,.


the 2 mothers hardly suffered from nausea or morning sickness, rarely complained of being tired, having sore legs/backs, neither went off their food or overate in any way, both were less irritable while using. and both had good births, 1 had 2 natural births and the other 2 caesareans both with minimal pain relief. 


I might add also that both gave up everything else, no alcohol, no prescription drugs(hardly get 1 of them to take a panadol for headache), no hard drugs, no tobacco. both ate healthy and took pregnancy supplements(iron and folate)



so I don't advocate for it and I apologise for offending anyone in advance but in my experience it has caused no problems with my children.  

Edited by sunnycoaststoner
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My wife suffered severe morning sickness with our first child. Was hospitalised a number of times from dehydration and starvation and lost over 12kg during pregnancy. I often wonder if I had known of Cannabis' anti-nausea effects whether she would have used it back then. I wonder if in years to come once more studies have been completed that aren't politically or financially motivated to skew the results, whether it will become an accepted treatment.....

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I would recommend it to any lady suffering morning sickness, I am not a medical professional and my advice is my opinion from my personal experience, what you do is up to you !

I have seen it stop nausea, bring back appetite, help relax, relieve pain, decrease stress, from abominable she monster to happy content and pregnant. in a simple herb, unbelievable not, seen it,

lived it, see the results of it every day.  

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The problem is, anyone can get pregnant. If someone has a medicinal need, that need doesn't stop when they get pregnant. NOW dont shoot me Im going out on a limb here. BUT if someone has a medicinal need that would effect the development of a baby then maybe they shouldn't get pregnant.

Make smart choices.

Edited by iTiC
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I can't find a link to the study I read about.. But I think Dr Gupta had a part in it.. And several mothers that were pregnant smoked throughout the pregnancy


while compares to several mothers that did not.. Each group contained I think between 40-50 women and the same amount of birth defects were found in both groups..


what was more interesting and an unforeseen development was that the babies of the mothers that DID smoke or par take in cannabis ingestion had higher, quicker and better developed motor skills earlier on than the non-cannabis babies.


further more, the endocannabanoid system is present in a child or the unborn Festus if you will 5months into the pregnancy.. So the unborn child is capable of regulating the cannabis from there after.


just spreading the word I have read.

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