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Mh Or Hps?

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Hello every1,Just wondering what people use to veg there plants MH or HPS as i have been shown photos of this done and it was beautiful lol but will you get a better result using MH?MH is sylvania HPS lucagrow so what do u guys think is best MH or HPS for veg?Thanks and goodluck to every1 lol
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Hello every1,Just wondering what people use to veg there plants MH or HPS as i have been shown photos of this done and it was beautiful lol but will you get a better result using MH?MH is sylvania HPS lucagrow so what do u guys think is best MH or HPS for veg?Thanks and goodluck to every1 lol

The best all round grow lights would have to be the Son-T range, check the HID link in my signature for a little more information.



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I no that son t agros r great for both veg n flower n the sunmaster is great 2 but if ya choosing between mh sylvania or hps luca grow which would be best?I thought 1000watt MH ?????? lol thanks
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hey stonedas....i cant get into my letterbox to check your pm,my browser keeps shutting down..weird...i sent you a email from ziplip but maybe the addy i sent it to isnt valid anymore.......


still haven no luck with the nlxbb clones im tryen to get my grubby little hands on........


as for lighting,in my opinion halides take longer to finish your grow and the buds are somewhat airier than when using hps......i use 1000 watter hps all the way through,5 of them,and the buds finish on time and solid.....also no matter what everyone says,i swap my bulbs every grow,out with the old and in with the new..makes a huge diff.

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elec bill isnt too bad....new capacitors in the ballasts make them far more efficient than say two years ago.............make sure your hot water service and stove is on gas and you wont have any probs..if ya got an elec hotwater service either turn it off or get a new service installed on gas...elec hotwater services are killers......




anyone have an idea why i cant access my pm's....everytime i attempt it my browser shits itself and says an error of type2 has occured....if it keeps happenen then there will be another error,the fuckn computer will be flyen out the window.....

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anyone have an idea why i cant access my pm's....everytime i attempt it my browser shits itself and says an error of type2 has occured....if it keeps happenen then there will be another error,the fuckn computer will be flyen out the window.....

Is your browser up to date? You may need to visit the windows update site, especially if its ie6 :lol: Otherwise I'm sure a mod will report the problem to Oz who may be able to help you sort the problem out.



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