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Obama Compares Pro Football To Smoking, And Says He Would Not Let His

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There's a lot going on in David Remnick's 17,000-word profile of Barack Obama in this week's New Yorker, but his statements about the legalization of marijuana are getting all the attention: The "not more dangerous than alcohol" thing is what's getting headlines, even though Obama's not saying anything that hasn't already been shown in recent studies. Accordingly, he said of the legalization of ...


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Washington, Jan. 20 (ANI): President Barack Obama has said smoking marijuana is 'no more dangerous than alcohol'. In an interview with the New Yorker magazine, Obama said it was wrong to think legalising the drug would be 'a panacea' that could solve many social problems. According to the BBC, Obama was referring to recent legalisation of marijuana in Colorado and Washington, and said that ...


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That message says something positive the way I view it. If he can compare marijuana to alcohol, then it seems he is in favor legalizing marijuana to some extent.

He can't contradict forever what the majority wants. Salus Populi est Suprema lex. :yahoo:

That is exactly how I look at it....Obama is not against legalization. Now it is confirmed and his statement serves as shining hope to all the States to follow the example of Colorado and Washington. Proponents of legalization must get the ball rolling faster and be more determined as we know the narco elite will try to hinder any attempts to legalize marijuana US wide.

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