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Greens Appeal For Uniform Cannabis Laws

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Sunday May 2, 11:28 AM

Greens appeal for uniform cannabis laws


The Australian Greens have called for national uniform cannabis laws.

Queensland Senate candidate Drew Hutton has used the pro-cannabis Mardi Grass festival in Nimbin in northern New South Wales to launch the party's campaign.


He says it is time to declare the Prime Minister's zero-tolerance to drugs approach a failure.


He says every state should adopt laws which allow individuals to buy, possess and grow small quantities of marijuana.


"You remove, as a part of the criminal justice system of this country, you remove the involvement of the criminal underworld in these sorts of areas and you remove the problems about criminalising young people," he said.


Yahoo news

Edited by Chev
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yeah wouldnt it be so awesome to be allowed to smoke a few cones and grow your own supply.

They could make the dealing of the drug illegal still. So that your forced to grow your own. Anyone could have a plant in their backyard to supply the residents of that house??


I hate being labled a criminal just because I heal my body with weed instead of all of those body fucking chemicals (pain killers).

Why am I a criminal just because I heal myself with a natural resource?

doesnt make sense.


Also maybe they might concentrate on REAL criminals for a change.


I just read a book that stated that marijuana was more harmful than cigarettes AND alcohol.

It is true that smoke from weed is more harmful than cigarettes but I dont smoke a joint every 5 minutes.

This book said it was because tobacco only contained around 125 harmful chemicals and marijuana contained 421 chemicals.

It also said that it was more harmful because cigarettes are not mind altering.


The author has no fucking idea, how many people go to a club smoke marijuana and then go home and beat the family??

None that I know of, and I know plenty that do this on alcohol.

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Well guys, as a newbie to the site this is my first reply.

All my life I've waited for pollies to get it right and de-criminalize/legalise .

We all quoted Mr. Marley in the 70's with calls to "legalize it" and we've waited ever since.

INTERESTING FACT.. A contact of mine who was working for P...... M.....

(you can guess it) in the 70's told me he had actually seen their packaging and marketing material ready to have packets of doobs in your local shop as soon as the OK was given by the then Labor Govt. of Whitlam and co.

They got the arse and nothing was heard ever again.

Let's hope Bob Greens mob have more success this time!

Cheers to all... and I love the site and have learned heaps.


Keep up the great work..

Mad Baz.. old timer.

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High there bazza7, welcome to Oz Stoner's.


INTERESTING FACT.. A contact of mine who was working for P...... M.....

(you can guess it) in the 70's told me he had actually seen their packaging and marketing material ready to have packets of doobs in your local shop as soon as the OK was given by the then Labor Govt. of Whitlam and co.

Yeah, I knew someone that worked for R.......... at the time and they were gearing up ready too, and they probably still are.

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Guest niall
I just read a book that stated that marijuana was more harmful than cigarettes AND alcohol.

It is true that smoke from weed is more harmful than cigarettes but I dont smoke a joint every 5 minutes.

Actually, I don't think anyone has proven this at all. Cannabis smoke apparently contains more tar, but these studies were (to my knowledge) performed with low potency cannabis leaf in the 70s and 80s, not what people actually smoke. There was talk about an Australian study comparing potency, tar content and carcinogens etc. from seized cannabis from different sources, different grades, hydro and organic etc. I never heard any results though, does anyone know if the study ever got off the ground or if they're still going?


The World Health Organisation and the recent Canadian Senate report found that cannabis was significantly less harmful than either tobacco or alcohol.


This book said it was because tobacco only contained around 125 harmful chemicals and marijuana contained 421 chemicals.

It also said that it was more harmful because cigarettes are not mind altering.


Again, I'd want to know what cannabis was used in this study - NIDA schwag? Regardless, other studies have shown that while the cannabis smoke studied contained more tar than the equivalent amount of tobacco smoke, cannabis users do consume significantly less than tobacco users, but more importantly, of all the constituents of cannabis smoke, very few of the really harmful carcinogens that are found in tobacco are found in cannabis, and those that are present are found at much lower levels.


It's really infuriating to see science abused like this.

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Is there any real legitimate research on cannabis use? I'm talking real long term studies and the like.


So much focus has been on tobacco, so it is no wonder they have found so much bad info on it and I am sure they will probably find similar things wrong with weed (Destroys your lungs, gives you heat disease and cancer etc)


But I would like to know of the real risks not just this propaganda that they keep spouting.

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Many. Just look out there, read a few books, look around for the information, and you will find it. lol


It's really infuriating to see science abused like this.


I totally agree with that sentiment. The abuse of science by governments to their own ends and gain is well documented and shown. It's disgusting to see the realities of the substance given such a bullshit reputation, BASED ON LIES!


pant pant


sorry these guys piss me off. They've been holding societies children and sisters and brothers and fathers and mothers and uncles and aunts and anyone who doesn't "conform" in gaols, and forced into "rehabilitation" and various bullshit devices of law to "punish" us for our "abuse" of drugs...




It's a war-crime which has been forgotten and pasted over by history, and we have to take our history back from those who would deny us. lol

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