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Many ppl will have many views on what is good and isent when it comes to nutes.


Nutes a basicly the same from one brand to another, some are made for coco and some soil.


Most hydro nutes will do the job for you, it comes down to what you want to spend and what you think will do the best job for you...

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I personally would recommend staying away from cyco brand nutrients


and cash crop. if you get pinged growing and the pigs find "cash crop" brand nutes you're gonna have a bad time.


My personal bests have been H&G and Canna Nutrients.


Obviously it's your first grow, so just use a and b. If you're feelin froggy, use budlink silica and cannazym

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It can be really confusing some times. My partner is driving me mental looking in to all the different brands. lol

I like the Canna brand range. I use their Part A and B for coco, their Zyme (Cannazyme) and their PK 13/14.

I'm keen to give the H&G range a go. BF wants to try the Advanced Nutrients range a go. I can see a bit of healthy competition happening soon! lol

Like Ozzy said, when you get down the the nuts and bolts of if, they're all pretty much the same.

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Hey Skunk

A fair while ago a member posted a gro with cyco that didn't grow well at all, and off n on there has been comments on OS about this brand.

As yet I am still to hear a positive about these nutes, but have heard many bad reports. I don't know if its made with the wrong salts or bad water or what the story is, but there has been nothing positive.


Jerry, Personally I use Flairform nutes, http://flairform.com/index/htm

I did experiment years ago and with 4-5 different mixes and have returned to Flairform, they make single part(No mixing), A&B 2-part mixes, Dropper pH test and all the additives you can think of. And the big plus,           it works. lol



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