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is my plant ok? It seems droopy and maybe leaves too dark?

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Gday all,


Just wondering if you could give me some advice please, I'm a first time grower so I may be looking into this too much.


Environment: Indoor Grow

Seed: Nirvana Northern Lights Autoflower (Feminised)

Age: 40 Days

Lighting: 1 x 300W LED + 1 20W CFL (Warm) + 1 20W CFL (Cool) (other 2 CFL's you see on the right aren't going to be used until plant 2 is bigger).

Ventilation: 4" Carbon Filter Inline Exhaust, 2x 120mm computer fan intakes

Temps: 22-28 Celcius

Humidity: 40-60%

Medium: 50% Peat Moss, 20% Perlite, 30% Vermiculte, Small spoon of dolomite into mix before planting.

Pot: 11 Litre/3 Gal Pot

Nutes - Vegetation: Thrive general purpose chemical fertilizer (half dosage)

Flowering (Just switched today) - Canna Terra Flores (4ml per litre of water)

Watering - ph 6.7 rain water (I run off water tanks here). Whenever the top 2-3 inches of soil are dry and crusty but feel damp just below this level. This usually happens about every 4-5 days. I use Nutes every second watering and use plain water otherwise.


I'm not sure if the leaves are too dark, they seem darker than most pictures I've seen. I've read stuff like Nitrogen Toxicity, Overwatering (don't believe this is the problem), Underwatering (don't believe this is the problem either), Nute stress (possible but unlikely as no yellow leaves?), Light Stress (don't think so as leaves aren't going yellow).


The leaves tend to droop a fair bit most of the time but are quite erect a couple of hours after watering. I've been letting it get quite dry before watering again as most have suggested so I would understand a little droop before watering but not most the time.


Originally the plant was in a smaller cupboard with bad airflow in the tin shed. This got really hot in the daytime so I moved it inside into the cupboard you see in the photos here. It has been in the new cupboard for about 3 weeks.


Perhaps I'm just stressing over nothing but you know what us first timers are like.


Please set my mind at ease or assist if you see an issue!



Edited by Trikki
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Looks ok from here. Maybe a little Mg Def on the bottom leave. Seems only a little. 


I personally wouldnt use dolormite. In the early 1980s, concern arose regarding heavy-metal contamination of calcium supplements when a study found high concentrations of lead in dolomite supplements. Since it may contain the toxic elements mercury and lead, dolomite is not a recommended source for calcium and magnesium — other forms of these minerals are available that would be safer to take.

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