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World historical total reported cannabis overdose deaths update

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6 january 2014

USA: Huffpost

For the record, if you're involved in discussions of decriminalisation or legalisation, a careful recount of total reported cannabis overdose deaths still totals zero according to http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/01/03/marijuana-overdose_n_4538580.html?utm_hp_ref=mostpopular


By comparison, alcohol is thought responsible for 2.5 million deaths a year worldwide and tobacco causes about 5 million deaths a year worldwide, so those of you who smoke cannabis mixed with tobacco, please reconsider. 


(my 2c worth FWIW: Vaporizing is different from smoking, but you will still get buzzed while avoiding unecessary exposure of your tongue, throat and lungs to those nasty polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon carcinogens found in smoke from any burning plant material - yes, cannabis and tobacco smoke both contain them but the crap (ethylene glycol, menthol, potassium chlorate...etc) they legally add to cigarettes to make them burn without sucking air through and more attractive tasting to children makes it much worse AFAIK.)





Edited by doctor_nelson
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I never thought i would be able to silence the many, many people who have relied on the propaganda about cannabis. People who have relied on deception and misconstrued "facts" about the pant have no where to stand. These are the people who started to spread online the "37 deaths from the first day of legalisation" Its so inconceivable the times we live in, where a substance that is proved to kill many and be so destructive is legal and a substances that offers so much is banned outright and then lied about.


So glad the REAL reasons why cannabis was banned in the first place have been exposed and the real reason why big pharma and big corporate wants to keep it banned.


America - one of the greatest pranks the devil ever pulled.

Edited by MrTrimbole
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I agree Mr T but be sure to make sure your house is tidy before finger pointin- we in Australia have rose coloured glasses on concerning this and many many other 'wrongs' in the world.  Yes the harlot sold the dummy but the rest of us followed it with bells on ;)


Peace. v :sun:

Edited by Faith
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