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suspected under achieving grow for 1st timer

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This plant started out being just a "chuck her in the dirt and see how she goes" experiment.


the seed was from medicann bank and is the afghan strain, she was germinated early November and is now coming come on or if not 8 weeks old,


i would've thought it vegged a bit bigger by now as its only 16-20 cms and was hoping for some opinions.


after looking through a couple of other threads over watering may be a problem. my watering schedule is 600mls into a 4 inch pot once a 6 am and when i get back from work at about 2:15pm


iv only fed it fertilizer twice now i think at half dosage with the thrive general purpose stuff.


im still using the same potting mix but have re-potted into a larger pot now.


thanks in advance for your help guys.







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How much full sunlight a day? Once a day watering imo, scratch an inch into your soil if still wet there is no need to water.Your plant looks good and healthy. 8 weeks is nothing ,it will bulk up nice over the coming months.


it's in direct sunlight at about 5:30am and when i get home about 2:15 shades starting creeping over so i move it to where it gets sunlight to about 7:00pm FYI that photos taken 6:30pm and thats why it appears shady in the photo.

over watering definitely appears to be the major factor, the mix i was suss with because it only seems to go when fed and then stays around where it is until the next feed,


when i re-potted it 1 week ago the roots had only grown about 2" into the soil.

Is that normal growth or a sign of over watering? 

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okay so iv changed nothing but my watering schedule to once a day at about 5-6pm. 

i gave it a feed 4 days ago and some damage as appear,

any attention required?


had a good new yrs. went round to a mates i haven't seen for half a yr because we'v both been busy.

he has cleaned out his shed left by previous owners and is keen to get a kit together and start growing.

should be an exciting yr. :)




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so its been a week since last post and quite happy with the progress in the last week. plant grew up about another 3rd of its height in a week.

this topic was intended basically to ask some noob questions when i observed some that i don't think is quite right .

anyways first 2 sets of fan leaves have burned/died off but the new growth at the bottom isn't burning hence the question,

do leaves have a life cycle and die after a period of time? also should this topic be in the grow diaries forum?





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