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Strain Names Meaningless, Expert Says

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OG Kush. Skywalker. Pineapple Express. Sour Diesel. Sour Jack.

These are the "strains" that medical marijuana consumers are sold, often at premium prices, with the promise that they'll do something special for you.

But a foremost cannabis expert, Jeffrey Raber, who holds a Ph.D. in chemistry from USC, says it's all b.s.



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I don't need a psuedo scientist to tell me that there's a lot of bullshit going on in the world of strain names, particularly when it comes to dispenseries in the US I'd imagine.  It's marketing for the sake of making money, of course there's a lot of BS.


I like the fact that there is a place over there testing weed to certify it pesticide free before it's sold in dispenseries, but maybe this guy should just stick to that.  He lost my interest as soon as he said there's no difference in the effects of Sat vs Ind.  At least it might lead to some sort of standards for what is sold in dispenseries, but it would probably push up prices as well.

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Sure but has smoked at all? People who grow are educated enough to know that there are a lot of variables in growing good strong healthy pot. We also know that characteristic of each seed differs. I actually felt a little bit insulted by the lab rat.


and yeah selling it as just marijuana flower or cannabis as opposed to using exotic passive names is well terrible and marketing 101. I know the names are bullshit but they make it all much more worthwhile, in fact i started coming up with my own names to honour the city i am in i.e 'scray kush, 'roy ryder, carlton critical, southern lights, 'bourne auto haze etc cause its fun!  :plant:

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The guy believes that thc created in an indica is chemically the same as thc made in a sativa making the growth characteristics of the plant, the names given to them, etc. meaningless.  To him its all cannabis because all the different varieties do is deliver a different combination of the same chemicals.  In a way he's right but he's so off the mark with a bunch of other things like not understanding the basics behind genetic diversity and decentralised businesses in relation to dispensaries its appalling :rolleyes:

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The guy is prostituting his credentials to make a name for himself.


First things first, he is a chemist, not a pharmacologist, or a pharmacist. Chemists study chemicals. Pharmacologists study the effects of chemicals on living tissue. Pharmacists study the effects of chemicals on people. Out of all 3 professions, he is the least qualified to speak.


Second, there are 60 or so cannabinoids in the cannabis plant. The ratio of one to the other has been proven in study after study to alter the psychological effects, with the most commonly studied ratio being taht of THC to CBD.


Third, many dispensaries have had notable success in treating different ailments with different strains, and have collected the data in a way that is according to drug trial standards. The most famous of these strains is Charlottes Web, produced by those guys over in Colorado.


So you have to think - who does this sort of info benefit? Well, it would benefit anyone who wanted to say that since cannabis was all the same thing, that dispensaries were not necessary. Who does that benefit? Well, big agriculture companies that just want to grow one mega crop instead of messing around with separating different strains (which is a lot of work/effort) and of course big pharma companies, that want to lump all strains in together, measure a single cannabinoid (most likely THC) as a reference/standardization point, and then sell it by the truckload - which is again opposed to what dispensaries do, which is to look at the entire profile of cannabinoids/strains and match up strains with patients.


The other group it would benefit would be doctors, because they wouldn't have to learn about all of the different strains, and who could use this kind of information to say that herbalists and dispensary staff are all "quacks".


What a scumbag.

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