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Canna nutes for Veg

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G'day guys

Long time between posts but I've finally decided to get back into growing, have just sprouted 10 seeds and I'm planning to veg them under a 250 MH for a month before sticking them outside. Last time I grew I used canna nutes for vegging and I remember the directions for concentrations on the bottle actually caused nute burn to my babies. I had to reduce it quite a bit before they started to grow properly.....long story short I can't remember for the life of me what concentration I used that was effective. Can anybody help me with this?....I plan to veg these plants in coco

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use coco nutes only

start at half recom & work your way up slowly

"General guide" , it takes "roughly" 3 days to show up

on the plant any mistakes made in feeding , transplanting to new soil or what ever ,

so keep an eye on your plant , good to keep notes on what

you did & of cause mental notes are better than anything in writing

or stored in ya phone or comp 

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