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Seeds just won't pop

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I have had a couple of successful grows, for the last 2 months I have been trying to get seeds going, I am going to run out of seeds soon because out of 3 lots I have tried to get going I haven't ended u getting any to bloody grow. Maybe the seeds are old but they are all I have, and now am down to the last few. I've tried soaking them sitting them on a damp make up pad in dark and heat, planting the buggers, I just can't get the bloody things to grow, any ideas for the last few I can't afford to stuff these ones up. Help

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How old are they and how did you store them ?

If they won't germinate the way you have tried to get them to, they may be dead.

Have you split one open to have a look ?



If you put them in a glass of water,they should sink to the bottom with 24hrs.

If they are still floating they are usually no good.

Once the sink I place them n those jiffy pucks,never had any problems

Edited by See
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What colour are your seeds? I have seen people try and germinate white/greenish immature seeds with no luck. IF they are beige or greyish with nice patterns on them then theres no reason for them to not pop.


Normally stubborn seeds needs a tiny bit of help. Grab a nail file or some light sandpaper paper and softly sand down (not to much but enough to sand a layer of the seed off) the pointy end. Then use distilled water in a spray bottle and just mist the paper towel ever few hours as to not let it dry out. IF you have a heat pad check it less than an hour..they tend to dry up the paper towels a lot quicker and you don't want to cook your seedlings.


I normally use a black film canister filled with ph'd water and with tiny holes punched in the lid. Then i place inside a dark tomato can that acts like a housing and stops any light in. Leave it there for a day next to something warm..the seed will pop.


If you planted them..keep misting the area..they need to be damp so the humidity assists the embryo to pop out. Check every few hours.


Also grab a straw and blow softly over the seed.


Germinating seeds IMHO is the most stressful part of growing. Everything else is easier.

Edited by MrTrimbole
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