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Dogs To Search For Drugs On Most Trains

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Dogs to search for drugs on most trains

By Jim O'Rourke

April 25, 2004


Sniffer dogs will be allowed to roam almost every train carriage running on the City Rail metropolitan network, randomly checking all passengers for drugs, when new regulations come into effect on Friday.


The North Shore line, running from Berowra to Central, has been added to other train lines where officers do not need a warrant to search for illicit drugs, Police Minister John Watkins announced yesterday.


Handlers and their dogs will now be able to search passengers on train services running as far south as Bomaderry, north to Newcastle and west to Penrith.


Drug detection dogs will also check passengers at terminals and bus stops on the Sydney-Albury bus route on the Hume Highway and the Sydney-Grafton route on the Pacific Highway. Police will still need a warrant to search passengers on the buses.


When the sniffer dog regulations were introduced on Sydney's trains in February 2002, president of the NSW Council for Civil Liberties Cameron Murphy said the Government was "selling the public a pup" if it claimed the measures would have any serious impact on the drug trade.


"They're targeting people at the bottom end of the drug pyramid, people who are users," Mr Murphy said. "Someone carrying a small amount of cannabis on a suburban train will be picked up, while the dealer driving around the North Shore in his BMW is not going to be affected at all."



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This is a joke, who are dogs mainly going to catch? Petty users carrying pot. I think the dogs will be able to smell pot easier than any other drug out there. Then what, they use thier "good cop" "bad cop" routine to extract where it was purchased? or maybe they need to issue more on the spot fines (like speed cameras)?


Save your bong water peoples, and spray it everywhere. When the mr packers are stopped and searched and no drugs found and have to be stripped searched, something might then change. No wait mr packer is driving his chaufer driven merc around with a bootload of drugs now isn't he?


And the dumb arse right winged do gooders dont want people drink and drug driving!!! Makes no sense to me :D



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Guest osabraxas

When the mr packers are stopped and searched

--that's the point --you don't get the Mr Bigs ov this world on public transport--you get the guy w/a few grams going to see his mates.

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What a fucking joke, this government is so crap, i can't belive they did this, i mean what a fucking huge waste of time, getting small time, petty users and dealers...uhhh greeeat, what fucking good is that? Surely it would be better to target alcohol related abuse by drivers and also maybe anti social behaviour on trains, but random sniffer dogs is a ful on expensive joke, fuck this government, and their usa ass sniffing techniques, it is a joke.

So many troubles with homelessness and unemployment and and they put more money into catching small time users... dickheads.

people in Sydney should get out the water pistols, fill them with bongwater and go on stealth train spraying missions! lol




i wish that snifferdog.com site still worked... cops made em take it down i think...


Bush and Howard are full on idiots. Strive for some real leadership in a real world.


Soon i rekon they'll start throwing pot users caught with jackshit in jail like the old days... FEAR AND TERROR, they are trying to put fear and terror into their own peoples, how wrong..

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