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Lebanon cannabis trade thrives in shadow of Syrian war

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You guys are going to ruin the stereotype of potheads being chilled out people if you keep this up ;)


I don't see what the argument is about tbh. So there was some hash (which is psychoactive) with something else mixed into it that purportedly had some kind of sedative effect. Does it really matter if it was ketamine or heroin? HW already stated that they didn't do a lab test.


What if drugs were shipped together, and a package busted open, so the dealers just mixed it all together and wrote off their losses? What if it was a prescription pill that someone powdered up and threw in so as to increase the weight of whatever they were selling? What if the sedative effect was a figment of the smokers imagination? It's a big complicated world with all sorts of weirdness going on - and Im sure that everyone will agree that drug takers/dealers are up there in terms of weird trains of thought :P

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Keep it civil please...No need for childish name calling. :bongon:


:peace: MongyMan

 Let me see if I've got this right. Calling others a liar is acceptable but standing up to ignorant fools isn't? Just checking.


No mrgoodcat, despite your creative possible scenarios, it was a deliberate adulteration. 

I'll explain further, because of your civility & respect. [thank-you, how refreshing] Although it was many years ago I remember it well because we'd never seen it before. You could see where the 'white' [cream or bone for the pedants] powder ran in sort of layers, as if it was pressed between several thin layers of hash.

A few countries such as Afghanistan or Pakistan, make both hash & heroin. The common consensus at the time, amongst mates & contact [pure speculation off course], was that it was an attempt to gain more customers for the more expensive smack [Heroin is dirt cheap at the source]. It was sold as 'opiated hash'.

A poster on another pot forum said he also had bought 'opiated hash' on a regular basis around the 70's or 80's while stationed in Asia [Philippines from memory], although his description did sound a little different.

At the time I was a kid. Years later I smoked heroin & had something to compare. Heroin grabs most users psychologically long before physical addiction because it removes all pain, emotional as well as physical. It induces a 'couldn't give a fuck' attitude. I have never tried a drug that comes close to heroin.


So we'll let the 'experts' think it's horse tranquiliser or whatever nonsense they're on about, I know better, I was there :)

Edited by hashwizard
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Fair enough, it makes sense that it was deliberately adulterated overseas with something that over there is cheap. If it was in layers, it sounds like it was rolled around or sprinkled on prior to the hash being pressed sequentially, rather than reprocessed here in Australia.


Out of curiosity, would you know how much heroin was selling for at the same time? If the price of hash vs heroin was close (at the distributor level) then it's more than feasible - I mean, the density of both drugs is about the same etc so as an international seller, it sounds like something that someone would try. I could quite easily imagine some major dealer having a bunch of smack that they couldnt move quickly enough/deal fell through/whatever, a buyer for hash waiting, and a decision being made to mix them up so as to get weight up and do it all in one go. Why not?

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Message received Mongyman.

P.S. Thanks for the verification, much appreciated :)


At the time I was a little pot & acid head & was very anti-smack [but didn't think twice about smoking opium - didn't see the contradiction at the time :) ] & have never bought heroin so I wouldn't have a clue what it cost mrgoodcat.   I do know that most drugs are dirt cheap at the source. I've wondered if it was an enterprising producer with a new product "Would you like some smack with your hash?"  Some suggested that the importers & associated corrupt cops/officials knocked it on the head explaining why we didn't see it again despite it's popularity, but again, that's just speculation.

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