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Advice needed on strange reaction to weed

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Hi there,


I signed up to this site in the hope of getting some advice, feedback and shedding some light on an issues Im having..  My backstory, generally healthy female, been smoking daily for about 15yrs (just a few joints at night) usually hydro because all I can seem to get in Melb.


3 times in the past 6 months I have suffered what seems to be some kind of weird side effect when Ive gotten stoned.  I use to smoke about 4 joints a night, but since this has been happening Ive cut it down to 2, but its happened again the other night !  So, what happens is about 10 mins after I finish my joint I all of a sudden start feeling really light headed, dizzy a bit nauseaous, then my heart will start racing and I mean racing fast and thumping really hard, i get dizzier like Im going to pass out and have difficulty breathing.. its very scary.  First time it happened which was about 6 months ago (and granted I had smoked alot more than my usual that night) my friend rushed me to the hospital but we just sat outside the ED in the car, because after about 30 mins it seems to settle so we didnt end up going in.  SInce that scare Im down to 2 J's but because it happened again the other night after only 1 Joint Im starting to wonder what the hell is going on and quite honestly am a little too scared to smoke. Ive had my heart checked out and all seems fine.  When it happened the other night I drank a shitload of water which did seem to help but only slightly.


So .. has anyone else experienced this ? Is it possible my weed (which is hydro) has been sprayed with some toxic chemical that I am having a reaction to ? is it possibly a severe anxiety attack (strange for this to happen after only 1 J tho) 


Thanks in advance for your help.

Edited by ChrisD
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The reality is unless you grew it yourself or someone you know grew it there is no way of telling for sure if it has anything toxic sprayed on it.


Some types of cannabis can bring on anxiety attacks in some people.


The frame of mind you are in can also affect your experience, if you are highly anxious about what will happen when you smoke this may have some effect.


If possible try to get some different buds to what you're smoking now to see if that makes a difference.


Even better would be to grow your own Cannabis so you can be assured it is clean.


Naycha :peace:

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what about your diet / food intake at those times 

Do you mix with cig's , where they your norm brand


Both these things can give you head spins after a J 

which can then lead to anxiety, nauseousness  

add alcohol to all that & .......... 


as Nay said, know your source well or grow your own

if you think your stash is a concern  

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ChrisD, I've been a smoker, on & off, for over 35 years. The only adverse effects I'd experienced or witnessed were the rare 'white-out' for various reasons. Those who reacted to pot in a negative way [anxiety, paranoia for e.g.] would do so usually from the 1st smoke. Mj is not for everyone.

Many don't enjoy racy sativa highs. You may find that you prefer Indica dominant bud [more relaxing body stone]


That being said, for years I only smoked pot socially because I wasn't enjoying pot anymore. It made me uneasy, slightly anxious & paranoid. Especially the 'Gook' gear [Viet community home industry] God-knows-what is on this shit or any other for profit only hydro.

Very long story short, once I figured this out & realised mj alleviated my nerve pain, I started growing again. 4 plants at a time, hand watered in pots, under a 400w light. [Gives me 6 months worth of bud. It's so easy to grow your own, even on a budget. I've just found out you can order seeds from within Aus [thanks itchy] from Southern Star seeds. No customs :) Just don't tell anyone [even best friends expect 'free' bud] that your growing. You'll have any problems/questions answered here.




Good luck. :)

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I experience exactly what you described from time to time.

I can tell its the weed because it only happens after a smoke. I'm pretty sensitive to chemicals and things where as my husband never feels sick when I do. After a while it passes like you said but it puts me off smoking because its such a horrible feeling.

Thats generally when I off load the crap and go out looking for something better.

I always assumed it had been sprayed with something but its prob more likely that it was poorly flushed or not flushed at all.

Def listen to your body. If it makes u feel sick just get rid of it.


Nancy :)

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I have had this in the past, usually its called an anxiety attack. I used to say "Im feeling edgy" and the first time i ever experienced it was back in '95. It got so bad i actually admitted myself to hospital for the nurses to kinda treat me like an idiot. They gave me some valium and told me not to smoke as i have anxiety issues. It was around the period i was going through some major depression.


Also i get the dizzy spells now and then and i attribute that to my sugar levels being low. Does it include vertigo as well? One time i had a few cones and i had to hold on to the walls as i could walk properly.


BUT since i started growing my own i never experience anxiety or dizzy spells or massive headaches.

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Great thankyou so much for all your input... I have to agree on the 'grow your own thing'... my partner (who is a non smoker) is encouraging me to do that, because he goes on about chemicals and you dont know what you're smoking, which he's probably right.  I dont know anything about 'strains' or 'types' of weed, Ive been buying from the same guy for years, I assume he gets it from the same 'grower' each time, he's a great guy a good friend and I trust him, but I guess he doesnt know exactly whats going on in the 'growing room' because he just buys it to sell .. but it has just been the last 6 months I've had a couple of these experiences, I dont drink alcohol, eat healthy and when I get stoned I am usually in a relaxed peaceful state so to me it all points towards the weed, strange how I can smoke a whole Q without an issue except for (from the same batch) one random joint I seem to react so severly to, its not so much 'greening out' this is different, the nausea is only minor, its the racing heart, difficulty breathing and phasing in and out of conciousness that is freaky... it freaked my partner out, he thinks that maybe that particular bud had been 'sprayed' more, or as you all say 'not flushed properly' so I copped a joint full of chemical shit.


So the moral to the story.. grow your own to be safe !! thanks 'Hashwizard' for letting me know you can buy seeds from Southern Star, awesome will check that out and again thanks heaps for all your advice.   Cheers :)

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 i found out latter on after my heart hickup that weed that has a pgr used on it and a poor flush will set my heart off racing every time.


because it dosent happen all time yes could be the strain it is but i would tend to lean towards weed that has been loaded up with who knows what to get big fat sticky buds out on the market asap.


these big grow op dont care what the weed is like they just pump it out to line there pockets...

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