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2.5 week old seedlings smal?


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Hi there, I'm a newbie to this site and to growing.

I have a number of great white shark,chocolope and pineapple chunk seedlings that for 2.5 weeks are very small.


They were started in terra canna pro soil. For the first week water was not ph checked I think water was around 7.5, I'm now ph water to 6.5 with half strength rhizatonic.


I started them under 130 watt 14000k cfl but thought such a blue light might be slowing growth so swapped to a 6400k.


They started there second set of true leaves about 4 days ago and are about 3inches in height.


Temp is around 27degrees day/lights on and night at around 22degress.


The first round leaves are yellowing and look like falling off. I don't know why growth is so slow. If any experienced growers could chime in that would be awesome. Cheers

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I use the same potting mix and I don't add anything to the water. I start to use canna terra nutes with a tiny bit of cannazym when the "round" leaves turn yellow. If you read the bag that the mix came in you will find it has nutrients already added, not enough to hurt the plant when so young. I think you may have overloaded the plants and they are having trouble with nute up take. Or lockout.


The bag also says the ph should be 6 to 6.5. Give them a good flush with ph adjusted water. Let them dry out and start again with low strength canna terra nutes. I only use full strength canna terra vega when they have developed their first tru 3 fingered leaves 3ml -5ml per litre of water. I would used maybe 1/ 1.5 ml per litre to start with every second watering. Slowly build up to the bottle instructions. Don't water too much either. Cannabis does not need shit loads of water.


I don't think (this is my personal view) Rhizatonic is the ideal thing to use on new born plants in potting mix.


This also may help you. http://www.canna.com.au/growguide


It says use Rhiza on new born but I don't. I try and keep it as simple as possible, otherwise you waste a lot of time trying to correct errors. It is a hardy plant and yours should pick up with some tlc.

Edited by brick
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Cheers for the response, I only used rhizatonic at half strength once on them a week ago. So your thinking that dose of rhizatonic has made problems for nute uptake?

It shouldn't have caused the problem. Can't answer that 100%, it may be a combo of small things. Too much water is usually a big problem with new seedlings. Your initial problem could have been caused by the water ph being to high. Especially on such young seedlings.

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Yep bud the round leafs on seedlings are idicators! Whey they start to yellow its sigh that your plants need nutes!it could also mean nute lock out I've had same problem before! Keep medium at a wet dry cycle make sure that your soils airated perlite works wonders! Get a bucket flush with ph water test run off adjust to suit 6.3 to 6.8 that will determine if its nute

Lock out good luck mate first time as well we all learn

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