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Cannabinoids Are Useful For The Treatment Of Various Medical Condition

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Marijuana poses the same threat as heroin? Because "all illegal drugs are bad."??? Coming from the mouth of a DEA administrator? [easy solution to that bitch.] When it comes to the crunch, this is the DEA's only objection? That mj is illegal?


If they made drinking water illegal would it stop anyone? Wouldn't think so. Water is really effective at quenching ones thirst :)

Mj is the only thing that treats my nerve pain. Without my herb the nerve pain is quite distressing, it wears me down. A simple puff or two daily is the only difference between me having quality of life devoid of sharp intense pain or not.


Will I stop taking my medicine because those in league with the dark side prohibit it? You will see me on ACA if the bastards come knocking on my door to take away my SMALL grow for PERSONAL MEDICAL use. Fuck em.


Anyone who denies the relief of others suffering are doing the work of the Dark Lord, evil mongrels. It is little consolation that karma's a bitch.

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