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Can i please get some opinions on the sex of these.

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Just wanting some opinions on the sex of these plants.

All planted fathers day. 2 Bonza seeds, 4 Bag seed.

Pretty sure A,B,C are female. They are really small though.

The others are big and green. 4 bag seeds are from a crop of hermaphrodites grown 2 years ago.

Full of seeds but big buds. Could the big ones be herm as well?

Thanks everyone for your time.







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hermis will always be hermis mate. if you don't remove them they will pollinate your first two good plants. don't worry about size, they look like sativas and depending on what you are growing in they will bulk up over time, they take longer than indicas. you have until may for them to mature, if they are outside of course.

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He said their out of hermaphrodite bag seed about 2 years ago. F. Falcon

Their doing alright cantgrow. It's really hard to pick the sex. Males r sometimes harder to pick. The girls get pre flowers on them sometimes. Little white hairs

They look ok to me. I'd have a guess that e is male but maybe not.

Get rid of ur hermies they'll only ruin the good ones

The one already budding will start to regrow in about a month, so look after that 1, if its not 1of ur hermies

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Cantgrow it may be small now but u have her in early in the season. She'll grow into a good plant, if u put it in the ground or a big pot with good compost & feed with fish emultion. Try & get some trofort-m it's a new microbe mineral fert. Bloody good shit. Google it.

Ford fairlain, That dose happen but the hermie will come out sooner or later. U say 2 plants 1 must have been a strong female. But cantgrow is growing them of pure hermies

It's not often u get pure M or F off hermies.

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I can't tell from those pics if you have a hermie.

Unless it was a female plant stressed into producing flower/hermie, I would yank it as soon as I had identified it as hermie.

1 or 2 open pods will produce enough pollen, blown around by your ventilation, if inside, to seed up your entire crop.

A naturally occurring hermie will have a greater chance of producing more hermie's in it's offspring....... :greedy:

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