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Epilepsy kids given cannabis

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Medicating children with cannabis, at least the parents have control over the amount that enters their childrens bodies.

As for affecting the developing brain, if you take a look at the products available to kids these days, as opposed to when I was a kid, things like energy drinks, sugar substitutes, colours and preservatives, technology in video games and the devices that are now available for kids entertainment, how can we be sure that these aren't having a more adverse affect on their developing brains?.

Bottom line, cannabis will atleast give some of these epilepsy kids a much better quality of life, it also benefits the parents by reducing the pain and stress caused by watching their child suffer before their own eyes. A seizure free child atleast has an opportunity to learn, and develop their brain aswell.

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I think some are missing the point altogether. It's the anti epileptic drugs [AED's] that are dangerous to the unborn child, to children AND anyone who's forced to take that shit. The side-effects alone are miserable without even taking in account the shortened life expectancy of a patient on AED's.  Seizures can & do brain damage, so AED's are a necessary evil.


I take mmj for severe nerve pain in my leg as a result of injury & surgery. Nerve pain is very hard to treat. Standard treatment is the use of AED's like Epilim. It fucks with your head. It slowly destroys the liver & kidneys. Withdrawals from cessation can cause death.  My Doctors tried me on this nasty stuff, it made me sick & spaced out in a bad way. So I read a fact sheet on possible [common] side-effects. It didn't do a thing for my nerve pain [My Doctors said I needed to give it at least 6 weeks to judge it's efficacy] I refused to take anything like it since.


It's only been recently that I realised a daily dose of pot [& a top up when needed] cures my nerve pain by at least 80%. A healthy herb that does me no harm if eaten or vaped [doesn't stop me from having a cone tho:)]  with little side-effects, does what dangerous pharmaceuticals can't.


I've seen what AED's do to epileptics, especially kids. The most affected are walking zombies on this shit. I can only imagine how I'd feel if I had to give my child a medicine this dangerous. I was delighted to find pot helped me & I'd be equally delighted to give a child an mmj prep with the psychoactive elements removed, if it meant they could stop taking a prescribed medication that will eventually be the cause of their premature death & much suffering in the meantime.


I've smoking been pot since 14 & I'm turned just out fine :)

Edited by hashwizard
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Quite a few of the clients I care for take AED's. Frizium is what I have encountered and administered the most and some side effects are not nice. From agitation, random bouts of severe nausea, unsteadyness on feet to sudden onset of severe melancholy and even muscular atrophy. We've lost a few guys just from seizures, but it was their hearts that gave out mid-way.

I am ALL for the controlled use of cannabinoids in children if it is going to save lives and improve overall quality of life (basic functioning but there's the risk of acquiring a severe intellectual disability at any time). They should be assisted in doing this as safely as possible, NOT possibly socially and legally persecuted.

Edited by Artifice
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